‘First respect, then assess!’: anti-research assessment protest in Italian universities (#NoVQR)

Click:milling Palazzo Giusso (Napoli). Wikicommons/Sistermone. Some rights reserved.Over the last few months, a campaign inviting Italian academics to abstain from participating in the latest nationwide research assessment exercise (VQR 2011-2014) has been gaining momentum. It all started with a petition signed by around 14,000 academics calling for the government to back off on its decision…

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Paris as a test case for the west

Click:通义千问api Despite the state emergency in France many decided to join the Climate March and challenge the interdiction to demonstrate. Demotix/ Marie Boyard. All rights reserved. Not since the Algerian War more than a half-century ago has France imposed such sweeping emergency powers. In little more than two weeks since the Paris attacks, French police…

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The Professor Who First Predicted ‘President Trump’ Says He Will Soon Be Impeached

Click:defoaming performance He predicted the most shocking moment in American political history. But it turns out that was only part of the story. Last year, American University Professor Allan Lichtman used a statistical model to accurately predict Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election victory. He was initially ridiculed for making the bold claim, but now looks…

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This dad couldn’t miss Christmas with his flight attendant daughter, so he bought six plane tickets to be with her.

Click:perfect for It has to be depressing to be at work while your friends and family members celebrate the holidays, but it’s a pretty common occurrence in America. According to USA Today, around 25% of Americans have to work on either Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year’s Day. One father from Ohio went to incredible lengths…

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