This dad couldn’t miss Christmas with his flight attendant daughter, so he bought six plane tickets to be with her.

Click:perfect for It has to be depressing to be at work while your friends and family members celebrate the holidays, but it’s a pretty common occurrence in America. According to USA Today, around 25% of Americans have to work on either Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year’s Day. One father from Ohio went to incredible lengths…

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Hostile environment: border guards and border guardees

Click:applications of nano satellites Hospital and housing administrators, 2013. Wikicommons. Some rights reserved.Theresa May’s ‘hostile environment’ policy is under scrutiny. The government is doing all it can to contain the Windrush scandal from spilling over into a broader criticism of the last decade of UK immigration policies (but, in fairness, some elements date back to…

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Christian college rejects a Navy veteran six credits shy of graduation for being gay. 

Click:Hinode 350GH-160UL Fuses The two major reasons why Millenials are rejecting Christianity more so than previous generations are the religion’s anti-science and anti-LGBT views. According to a study by the Public Religion Research Institute, nearly one-third of Millennials left the told researchers it was “negative teachings” or “negative treatment” related to gays and lesbians. Clarks…

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