SNME starts with JBL coming out for an 8 Man Tag Match. His limo comes out and get gets out with a scowl on his face. Punk is at the announce table saying he grew up watching SNME. Cryme Tyme comes out next. Cody and Ted come out together. Cena then comes out to the ring. Kane then comes out with his sack in hand. Batista comes out to round out the group.
Batista and Kane start off. Batista runs into Kane’s boot. An upper cut from Kane back Batista into a corner. Batista gets whipped and a clothesline in a corner. Batista returns the favor with the same in the opposite corner. Kane hits a snap mare on Batista and covers for two. Cody tags in but gets slammed into the face corner. JTG tags in. Cody telegraphs and gets an elbow to the head for it. Shad tags in and tosses JTG onto Cody. Shad gets Cody high in the air and drops him for two. Shad scoops Cody up and drops him for snake eyes in a corner. Kane manages to tag in and he takes Shad down hard. A boot to Shad’s head.
– Commercial
JBL tosses Shad from the ring. Kane slams Shad on the barrier outside. In the ring Cena argues with the ref. JBL rolls Shad back in for two. Ted tags in, JBL holds Shad while Ted beats on him a bit until the ref makes him leave. Ted takes Shad down for two. Cobra clutch on Shad. Shad works his way to his feet. Ted knees Shad in the face and then distracts the ref so the heels can screw with Shad in their corner. Cody tags in. Shad tries to fight back but gets backed into a corner. Cody rushes Shad and eats his boot. Cody dropkicks Shad as he tries to tag out. Cody gets a leg hold on Shad and drags him to the heel corner. JBL tags in and works over Shad with elbow drops before covering for two. Kane tags in and he kicks Shad in the head. Low drop kick to Shad for two. Ted tags in and stomps Shad while JBL holds him. “Cena” chants. Shad manages to suplex Ted, both are down.
Cena tags in, as does JBL. Cena gains huge control over JBL, slamming him around and down. 5 knuckle shuffle and he gets JBL up for the FU, but Kane comes in with the big boot. Batista runs in with a spear to Kane and he sends Cody and Ted flying. Kane and Batista go over the top together when Batista clotheslines him over the top. JTG tags in and Cena launches him at Ted. JBL tags in and hits back with a clothesline from hell and covers JTG for three.
– Winners: Kane, JBL, Cody & Ted
JBL is celebrating in the ring while Punk looks on from the table. Video of the end of the match.
Khali is out back heading for the ring with Singh.
Jeff Foxworthy on video talking about autism.
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Carmen Electra is on video talking about autism (reading off a prompter – very badly).
Khali comes out to the ring with Singh in tow. Video about Khali and what he’s done in the ring. Jimmy Wang Yang is in the ring waiting to be squashed.
Yang runs into a huge clothesline after trying to take Khali’s legs out. Khali picks Yang up and tosses him in a corner to chants of, “You can’t wrestle.” Yang comes off a corner and into Khali’s arm. He fell like a rag doll. Choke slam from Khali and he puts his foot on Yang’s chest for three.
– Winner: Khali
Video of the end of the match.
Ben Stiller on video talking about autism.
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Jenny comes out to HUGE pop. She stands on the stage and talks about autism, her son Evan and Generation Rescue.
Video of Edge on SD! 8 days ago when he sucked up to Vickie and she brought down the wrath of a woman scorned on his head.
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JR and King go through the matches set up for SS.
Edge comes out to the ring. He looks really riled up and pissed off. He gets huge heat. Video from SD! when Foley rips him a new one in the ring. Edge comes back by beating Foley’s ass. Edge came off a ladder with a chair and put Foley through a table. Jeff Hardy comes out to huge pop. He makes it a point to slap everyone’s hands on both sides down the ramp.
They lock up and Jeff gets backed into a corner. Jeff ducks out and hits an arm drag. “Hardy” chants. Arm bar on Jeff. Jeff reverses it on Edge. Edge gets out. Punches to Jeff’s head. Another arm drag to Edge, into an arm hold. Edge works to his feet. Edge pushes out and Jeff slides from the ring. As Edge slides out, Jeff slides in. Jeff slides into Edge then flies over the top getting great hang time. “Hardy” chants. Outside Jeff flings Edge into the barrier. Jeff, using the stairs tried to fly at Edge who moves. Jeff lands up-side-down on the barrier.
– Commercial
Edge throws Jeff down on the mat. Edge gets a leg hold on Jeff. Jeff flops back and Edge gets a two count. Edge keeps the hold on Jeff’s knee that he (possibly) injured while flying outside the ring. Jeff gets out of the hold. Jeff fights back with kicks but Edge slams him down again. Jeff’s on the mat holding his knee while Edge poses for the fans and gets heat. Forearm to Jeff’s face drops him. Edge leaves the ring and wraps Jeff’s knee around the ring post. Edge kicks Jeff’s knee. Jeff takes Edge down with a wrap-around clothesline. Both are down for five. Punches to Edge’s head. Jeff sets Edge up top. Edge falls back and hangs. Jeff tries to slide into Edge’s face, but Edge pulls up. Jeff somehow hits both feet to Edge’s gut. Jeff misses the twist of fate and Edge hits a DDT. Edge covers for two. Edge sets up for the spear but Jeff side steps it. Jeff hits whisper in the wind for two. Jeff hits a sit down power bomb. Jeff climbs but Edge rolls away so Jeff gets down. Edge tries to spear Jeff, Jeff jumps over it and Edge goes out through the ropes. Jeff’s on the mat in a funny position with his head hanging out the other side of the ring.
From the crowd comes MVP. MVP kicks/knees Jeff in the head as he runs by. MVP goes back out through the other side of the crowd. Edge returns to the ring at the 9 count. Both Jeff and Edge are down. They manage to get the their feet. Edge spears Jeff for three.
– Winner: Edge
Video of MVP and then the end of the match.
Biggest pop
jenny McCarthy
Jeff Hardy
Biggest heat