The following spoilers were re-printed with permission from Wrestling News World:
Next week’s edition of SmackDown opens with Vladimir Kozlov vs Undertaker and Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy being announced for later in the night.
John Cena opens to mostly cheers by calling out Edge. He asks for a World Heavyweight Championship re-match. Edge accepts, but Vickie comes out and says Edge won’t be competing tonight. Cena charges but Vickie says something. I can’t hear because there is so much heat on Vickie. She introduces Big Show as his opponent for tonight instead.
Carlito & Primo vs. The Miz & John Morrison for the WWE Tag Titles
A ton of Missed spots took the crowd out of it. The Bellas come out and look fantastic. Carlito hits the Backstabber on Morrison for the clean pin. The Colon’s leave with the Bellas.
John Cena vs. Big Show
Huge pops for both athletes. Great long match with offense back and forth. John Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment and then Edge runs out. He slides in and out of the ring without even touching Cena. Very weird spot. Cena looks at Edge and gets the KO from Big Show. High elevation Showstopper for the pinfall victory. Edge gets in the ring and poses over Cena. Edge is limping noticeably.
Undertaker vs. Vladamir Kozlov
A very long match that was boring in spots but the crowd firmly behind Undertaker. Kozlov botches snake eyes twice. Surprisingly clean pinfall victory for Kozlov, however, after he reverses Old School into a powerslam.
Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy
Matt out first, then Jeff comes out in street clothes. Jeff on the mic says they’ve always been together and that they will always be brothers. Matt says he is not his brother. He goes on a long semi-shoot about how the fans love Jeff more and how it is about Matt this time. He says the fans wouldn’t forgive Matt if he committed Jeff’s sins. Matt blames the fans and Jeff for his mediocre career. (Way to throw the ECW championship under the bus huh?) He says Jeff is all hype. Matt says fight me but Jeff refuses. Matt slaps Jeff twice but Jeff walks away to a mixed reaction. There is no match.
Shelton Benjamin vs. Chavo with MVP at ringside
Shelton throws Chavo into MVP at ringside. Taunts MVP then gets cradled for the victory. No one in the crowd knew it was a three count. Shelton hits the Drive By as Shelton looks stunned by his defeat.
Dark Match Main Event
Casket Match between Undertaker & Big Show
The match lasted literally a minute. Both wrestlers had long matches beforehand and looked exhausted and uninterested. Boot by Undertaker, Big Show hits the mat and Taker rolls him into the casket. Good Night!
Biggest Pops:
John Cena
R Truth
Umaga (Seriously)
Jeff Hardy
Most Heat:
Vickie Guerrero by far.
Matt Hardy
The Divas tag match (It’ll be interesting to hear the edit)
R Truth being taken out
Jeff Hardy (Deciding not to fight)
TONS Of WrestleMania 25 SPOILERS + Jeff Hardy’s Future! >>