
RAW Report 11/8/10 Manchester, England

RAW this week starts with Cena at a podium in the ring. He reads off a huge scroll – It is his distinct honor to introduce the man who promised the winds of change and delivered. He’s the leader of the most devastating, dominating force that has ever stepped foot in the WWE, known as Nexus. In two weeks at SS he will be your WWE Champion. Please welcome your hero making his long awaited triumphant return home to Manchester, England, Wade Barrett. Wade out to the ring, Nexus a number of steps behind him.

Cole is on announce with Josh Matthews. Wade into the ring. He thanked Cena for the outstanding introduction. He couldn’t have said it better himself, but the did write it for Cena. Ladies and gentlemen, the prodigal son has returned. How better to celebrate his upcoming championship reign than to celebrate tonight. There will be a big party and you’re all invited. But before Nexus hoists him onto their shoulders, before they get ahead of themselves, there’s some business he needs to take care of. “Cena” chants. There’s a couple of issues that occurred last week that he has to look into. Video from Friday night SD! Otunga led Nexus to SD! and lost.

Wade called Otunga forward. He tells Otunga before he under minds Wade and takes Nexus to SD!, without his permission, make sure he’s successful in his venture. Now get back in line, he’ll deal with him later. Now he wants to deal with Cena. On RAW he could have shown what he’d do at SS in Wade’s match against Orton, instead he did this. Cena didn’t see Otunga tag Wade in, or Orton’s involvement. R-Truth got the pin, Wade ripped on Cena. Wade tells Cena to explain himself.

Cena says it all happened by accident. He rapped as a joke on a SD! Thanksgiving episode, before he knew it he was wearing his hat backward, he had a chain around his neck, waving his hand in front of his face and he’s invisible. Wade stopped him. He was talking about that match, what happened? Cena said they lost. Wade told him not to test him. Lucky he’s in his hometown. He’s not letting anyone ruin his celebration. In two weeks time Cena’s free of Nexus or fired. He raises Wade’s hand and give him the Title or he flushes Cena’s career down the toilet. Cena says he’s glad Wade’s home, but remember what he said last week. When that match is over, he’s giving Wade the beating of a lifetime. Wade thinks that’s cute. They both know Wade holds his destiny in his hands. At SS, Cena will do as Wade tells him to. At this point they need to practice what will occur after the match. He watch Cena to announce Wade Barrett is the new WWE Champion. Cena says he hasn’t won anything yet. Wade to him to practice. Cena says whatever, but –

Orton’s music cute him off. Out on the stage Orton says last time he checked he was WWE Champion. It’s true Wade has Cena under his thumb, but he’s not facing Cena. Orton cane beat Wade, no matter the ref. Cena is free or fired, but Orton doesn’t care. All he cares about is Wade never has this – Orton holds up the gold. Wade says he thought it was funny Orton says that because he has an army at his beck and call. Orton doesn’t have an army behind him.

Ding-Ding! Huge heat for the GM, and more for Cole. Up to the podium. “You suck!” chants for Cole! And I quote, “Wade Barrett’s championship preview celebration has been officially canceled. Also, to ensure there’s a decisive victor, the WWE Championship Match at SS must be won by pin-fall or submission only. And furthermore, I’m officially announcing the remaining members of Nexus will be banned from ringside. But Wade, that’s at SS, as for tonight, since Wade Barrett has an army behind him, Randy Orton will have one as well. Team Barrett, comprised of Nexus, will take on Team Orton in a 10 Man Tag Team Match. I, then GM, will personally choose the members of Orton’s team later. But I do know this, the Special Guest Ref for this match will be John Cena.”

Wade smiles, Cena throws over the podium in the ring. Otunga takes a step toward Cena and Cena pushes him down. Husky smirks down at Otunga. Cena leaves the ring, Otunga still on his bottom. Finally Otunga to his feet as Wade rallies the troops.

– Commercial

Eve, and the Bella Twins and in altered Manchester United uniforms – much heat for them. Maryse, Fox and Tamina in altered Liverpool uniforms. Tamina, the only on who’s not showing her mid-drift for some odd reason. Much heat for them too. Josh bitches up and down about soccer, how much he hates it.

Diva’s Cup – Eve & Bellas (Nikki & Brie) Vs. Maryse & Fox & Tamina

Eve and Tamina lock up. Eve backed into a corner. Tamina backs off, then kicks her in the gut. Ever reverses things and gets the upper hand. Tamina gets Eve up and Samoan drop for two. Maryse tags in, kicks Eve and pins for two. Eve slammed face down. Maryse pulls Eve up by her hair, then flips her own hair at the faces. Maryse rips at Eve’s face, then an enziguri and both are down – Josh called it a soccer style kick. A Bella and Fox tag in. Bella on top until a sick back breaker for two. Bella takes fox down for two. Tamina breaks the count, Eve in to take her from the ring.

Maryse in, the ref stops her, then grabs the other Bella around the waist. Maryse attacks the Bella, but the Bellas swap behind the ref’s back. The other Bella rolls Fox up for three.

Winners – Bellas & Eve

Video of the high points. Josh want to see the cup! Cole says there isn’t one, they wouldn’t spring for that! Josh asked why not? They gave Cole a gong and a podium!

Nexus backstage, Otunga pissed about being punked by Cena. Then Wade in, pissed looking. Otunga says he was telling them to step it up tonight. Wade says Otunga will be stepping it up against Cena. Last week Otunga said he was the most talented of Nexus, tonight we’ll find out if it’s true. Take it to Cena, do some damage. He’ll tell Cena the same thing. All of Nexus leave with Wade, leaving Otunga standing there.

– Commercial

Hart Dynasty out to the ring, Natalya leads the boys. They put her up on the apron. They all pose in the ring to huge pop. Cole rips on how poor Natalya is compared to Lay-Cool. The Usos out to face them.

Hart Dynasty (DH Smith & Tyson Kidd) w/ Natalya Vs. The Usos (Jimmy & Jey)

Smith and Jimmy start. Knee to the gut, upper cut, then a cheap shot to Jey, all from Smith. Jimmy rolls out and Smith kicks him through the ropes. Kidd tags in. He flies out onto both Usos, landing on one, hurricanrana to the other from landing on him! Back in and Kidd springboards off the top to drop an elbow, but misses. Kidd slammed into heel corner and Jey tags in. Kidd slammed to the mat. Natalya gets the fans going. Jimmy tags in and comes off the corner for two. Chinlock on Kidd. Jimmy up, but Kidd moves out of the way.

Smith is talking with Natalya, but was back to tag in. Clotheslines to Jey who also tagged in. Smith pins for two. Shoulder to Jey in a corner, then Smith gets him up and slams him hard. Jimmy breaks the pin attempt. Kidd through the ring and after Jimmy, but is taken out while on the floor. Jey up top and flies in a beautiful splash for three.

Winners – The Usos

Smith in the ring is pissed, outside Natalya tends to her boyfriend Kidd.

– Commercial

Promo for next Monday. It is a three hour event and goes Old School!

Striker backstage with Orton. He asks if Orton knows who will be Team Orton? Orton says he has no clue, but he cares. He has to worry about Nexus and Cena, so his team should be the best of the best.

Miz is there and says he heard from the GM and he’s on the team. Right now Orton’s team is awesome.

Backstage Slater and Gabriel look at their belts, they all shoot the shit. Then Otunga in and they’re unhappy looking at him. He can’t believe Wade has them upset. He meant Cena was no talent, not them!. That’s not how a leader handles things. He’ll show them. He’ll beat Cena. Will they be out there backing him?

Gabriel asked if Wade knows? Otunga says they’re Nexus or against us. They’re all Nexus. He’ll see them out there? Otunga leaves, the other four don’t seem happy.

– Commercial

WWE Slam Of The Week – NXT, last week, Goldust married Aksana. Ted and Maryse got involved, the minister wouldn’t marry them. Then Ted’s father out and married them. Goldust went to kiss her and she slapped him before stomping off.

Goldust out to the ring, not as happy, but still with Ted’s belt. he has tears painted on his face. Cole rips on Goldust and Aksana. Ted out with Maryse on his arm. She’s in a black zippered, sparkled tank mini-dress.

Goldust Vs. Ted DiBiase w/ Maryse

Ted backed into a corner, but is slapped by Ted. Punches on Goldust, but then into a hip toss and an arm drag. Goldust clotheslines Ted from the ring. Ted and Goldust back in and Ted gets an inverted atomic drop, but nails Goldust with a clothesline. Ted on Goldust with punches as Maryse waves her rings around. Goldust into a back elbow. Ted pins for two, then another two. Elbow to the top of Goldust’s head, then Ted chokes him in the ropes.

Punches up to Ted, but he kicks back. Chinlock on Goldust as Maryse screeches in at them. Goldust to his feet, but into a backbreaker for two. Ted forces Maryse over to grab the belt. She did so. Goldust starts to fight back, drops to a knee, then nails Ted with an upper cut in what Cole calls ‘vintage’ Goldust! Running bulldog on Ted for two. Ted eats a corner, but then whips Goldust. Goldust out with an uber fast scoop slam.

Aksana runs out to the ring in a very short, very tight leopard dress. Maryse meets her on the ramp. The fight over the belt. Aksana slaps Maryse, takes the belt and runs. Ted is distracted. Goldust rolls him up for three.

Winner – Goldust w/ Aksana

Goldust smiles as he looks up the ramp. He heads up after Aksana as Maryse in to check on Ted.

– Commercial

Cena out to the ring to huge pop. Otunga, wearing a Nexus hoodie, leads Nexus to the ring. They all come out in a line, but stop at the bottom of the ramp. Wade then stands in front of Slater, Gabriel, Harris and McGillicutty. Wade then told all of next to leave. They all walk up the ramp. Otunga looks at Wade, Wade looks back over his shoulder.

John Cena Vs. David Otunga

The bell rings and Otunga flees. They make it to the stage when Cena tackles him. Cena slams Otunga on the car on the stage, then drags him back to the ring. Clothesline to Otunga. Gut wrench bomb from Cena that was a total bomb – BAD! Drop kick from Cena who easily went from standing right in front of Otunga to planting his feet on Otunga’s chest and dropping him – THAT was nice. Otunga whipped, but moves and Cena shoulder first into the post. Otunga on Cena with punches and kicks. Otunga out and on Cena with chops as he hangs off the apron.

Otunga pulls Cena off the apron during dueling chants of , “Let’s go Cena” and “Cena sucks!” Cena face first into the barrier. Back in and Otunga pins for two. Cena eats a corner, then Otunga punches on him until the ref pulls him off. Otunga pulls him out, then slams Cena. Otunga uses the ropes to bounce up and drop an elbow for two. Punch drops Cena. Otunga goes for another bouncing elbow, but Cena moves. Shoulder blocks from Cena, then his normal slam – not very good. Five Knuckle Shuffle from Cena. Otunga up and eats an AA! Cena stares down disgusted. Cena locks on the STF, Otunga taps out.

Winner – Cena

Cena stares over at Otunga as the ref checks on him. Video of Cena in control of Otunga, as if Otunga never got any offense in as Josh talked us through it, all excited. Cena poses for pop, then leaves the ring. Cena slaps a lot of hands on his way from the ring, back and forth up the ramp to the stage.

– Commercial

Backstage Otunga has ice on his neck. Wade in and puts an arm around him. He says last week on RAW Otunga was pinned in their tag match. He marched them into SD! Otunga got pinned again. Then Otunga was pinned in Wade’s hometown. He has a chance to redeem himself. Wade wants Otunga to take Nexus to SD! Otunga will face Edge. If Otunga doesn’t beat Edge, Otunga is out of Nexus.

Santino and Kozlov out in beautiful black suits, bowler hats, bumbershoots; proper English gentlemen. Video of Sheamus after Santino last week, again JoMo saved Santino. Santino gets huge pop. He says he and Kozlov like to blend where they go. Coming to the UK they were excited. They started studying three weeks ago. They watched all the Bond movies, the Austin Powers, Mr. bean, Benny Hill, and they know pretty much about the culture. But every time they cross the road they almost get killed! They look this way and the car comes that way. Tomorrow, please, for him, drive on the other side. It a so easy.

This garners cheers and “Santino” chants. He says speaking of almost got killed, he has this because he wants to make a peace, bury they hatchet with a superstar from Irish land. He’s talking about Sheamoose. He is very angered to him. They want to sit down to an old fashioned style tea party and it will be all better. So welcome his guest, Sheamoose.

Sheamus out to the ring. Kozlov holds out a chair as Sheamus looks unhappy about all this before getting in the ring. Santino extends his hand, Sheamus shakes, Santino has to pull his hand back. They all sit. Santino says he thinks they got off to the wrong foot and he wants to get on the right foot.

They have green tea, ginger tea, oh, um, sorry, Sheamus actually has to cover his smile! Sheamus cracks! Sheamus actually has troubles holding his face! Santino says they also have a picture of Mr. T and holds that up.

Sheamus says it’s sad, he thinks he had Santino all wrong. He’s not bad, just misunderstood. He knew a fella just like Santino back in Ireland. Just like Santino, he only had one friend and like Santino, his one friend was a donkey. Santino said ‘lucky!’ This fella was, let’s just say people called him the village idiot. Santino says that bothers him. How could these people call a donkey a village idiot? Maybe they should lower their expectations from a donkey. Now it’s time for tea.

Santino up and starts to pour. He asks Sheamus if he takes his tea dark, or milky? Then he catches himself. No, no, he’s not trying to be smart at all, apologize. He’s not referring to him not having no pigmentation. Fans laughed. Santino said they’re not helping, don’t make him angered, please! He doesn’t like it when he’s anger. Sheamoose you have anger. He’s read a lot and there’s two reasons, the first is he’s been over-exposed to gamma rays. The second reason is probably when he was growing up he was excluded from activities from other kids because he is a ginger. Sheamus almost cracks again. Santino tries to stop the cheers. “Santino” chants. They’re very generous people, but not helping. He’s not one of them, he’s not going to exclude him. It’s their party, he won’t treat Sheamoose like he’s a ghost. Oh! Sheamus’ cracking. Santino says no, everyone knows ghosts aren’t this white! No!

Sheamus says Santino thinks he’s very funny, doesn’t he? Sheamus laughs as he says Santino has him laughing so hard, he forgets why he hates Santino in the first place. Santino says they have the potential to get along famously. He can’t remember why Sheamus hates him too.

Kozlov leans over and says Sheamus hate you because you beat him! Santino looks green. He doesn’t know what Kozlov is talking about. Kozlov says yes, you beat Sheamus, it was the biggest upset in double double E history. Kozlov then gives a huge smile as he says, ever! Even bigger smile from Kozlov. Santino thanks Kozlov for his great memory. “Kozlov” chants! Kozlov smiles bigger for the fans.

Santino all freaked out says Sheamoose is low on tea. He hand shakes and can’t pour. He ends up dumping it in Sheamus’ lap. Santino yells no, no, no! He’s so sorry. Sheamus flips the table.

Ding-Ding! Huge heat for Cole! And I quote, “The time for tea and crumpets has come to an end. It’s now time for action. Clear the ring. And clear Kozlov from ringside as well because Santino is going one on one with Sheamus.

In the ring Santino is freaked, Kozlov puts an arm around him. Sheamus smiles.

– Commercial

In the ring Santino is trying to get his tie off as the bell rings.

Santino Vs. Sheamus

“Santino” chants. Sheamus grins. Santino then gets caught in his shirt cuffs. He gets it off and then dives into the ropes, screaming like a girl, when Sheamus comes at him. Santino, still in his dress pants, rolls from the ring, of course he had his ring gear under his dress clothes. Santino on the apron, then dropped down. Sheamus out and Santino flees into the crowd. Sheamus back in the ring, Santino still in the crowd.

Ding-Ding! And I quote, “Santino, you have two choices. Get back in the ring and compete or be immediately suspended.”

Sheamus calls for Santino in the ring. Josh says Santino might want to know how long the suspension would be. Santino in with the cobra ready, but a clothesline and he was flattened. Sheamus stomps Santino hard. Santino dragged around, out of corners, then to his knees, pleading. Sheamus steps in and Santino gives a true Flair low blow. The ref calls for the bell.

Winner – Sheamus via DQ

Santino celebrates in the ring, up on a corner, says how easy it is for him. Santino down, turns into a brogue kick. Sheamus drops knees over and over and gets heat for it. Sheamus poses over Santino, then drags him across the ring. Sheamus sets up for the Irish curse, but JoMo out to the ring. Punches to Sheamus, then a slingshot kick to Sheamus’ jaw. JoMo drags Santino from the ring, pulls his arm up and then helps him up the ramp. Km stops and stares down at Sheamus.

Backstage Cena watches the WM promo on a monitor. Then the screen goes to the promo, tickets on sale this Saturday. Then back to Cena watching, Wade over his shoulder. Cena jumps. Wade talks about WM, just imagine never experiencing it again. All he has to do is the right thing. Raise Wade’s hand and Award him the WWE Championship. Then he can go to WM and Nexus will be a distant memory to him. Wade slammed a zebra shirt into Cena’s chest. Wade told Cena to do his job or his WWE career will be nothing but a distant memory.

– Commercial

Another Stand Up for the WWE video. They have generational wrestlers talking about their wrestling ancestry. Orton, Natalya, Smith, McGillicutty, Husky, Usos, Ted, Cody, Dustin (Goldust). Cody talks about being in the ring at WM 4! Ted talks about meeting Anderson for the first time. Many pictures of them as kids with their fathers. Actually was a really sweet video.

Orton out to the ring. R-Truth out to tag with Orton. He was without mic this time. Bryan’s music hits, Cole about has a hemorrhage. Henry out, Orton smiles. Henry shakes hands with Orton, who extended first. Henry shakes with the rest. Miz rounds out the team. Cole goes on and on about how Miz should be team leader. Cole out to hug Riley. Josh talks about Cole’s bromance. Wade leads Nexus out to the ring. Cena behind Nexus to the ring.

Team Orton – Randy Orton & R-Truth & Daniel Bryan & Mark Henry & Miz w/ Alex Riley Vs. Team Barret – Nexus (Wade Barrett & Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel & Michael McGillicutty & Husky Harris) – Special Guest Ref John Cena

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Gabriel and Bryan start the match. Side headlock on Gabriel. Gabriel pushes off, they run the ropes, Gabriel to split leg jump over Bryan, but nailed with a drop kick! Arm bar on Gabriel. Gabriel slides under Bryan and kicks him in the gut. McGillicutty tags into an arm drag! Bryan backed to the ropes, Miz took the blind tag. Bryan sent to run the ropes, holds on and Miz clotheslines McGillicutty from behind.

Miz stalks McGillicutty and stomps him. McGillicutty face first into a corner, then stomped away. “Miz is awesome” chants through the crowd – not loud, but there. Miz nails his clothesline in the corner on McGillicutty for two. Arm bar on McGillicutty and Miz holds his hand to Orton.

Orton tags in and drops a knee to McGillicutty’s face. Stomp to McGillicutty’s face, then sends him to the heel corner. Orton wanted Wade, got Slater. Orton takes Slater down and tags in R-Truth. R-Truth whipped, floats over and kicks Slater in the face for two. Gabriel breaks the count. All of them in and Cena lets them go at it. Team Orton clears the ring.

Outside Nexus regroups, Otunga out to the ring.

– Commercial

Gabriel and R-Truth lock up. Gabriel into a corner, Otunga outside in front of announce. Gabriel fights back, takes R-Truth down. Punches on Gabriel, then kicks. Spinning kick to R-Truth for two. Husky tags in and on R-Truth with upper cuts. R-Truth punche sand kicks back. R-Truth runs the ropes, holds on, tags in Henry.

Henry in and scoop slams Husky like he was Rey! Henry misses his splash. Husky splashes Henry in a corner. McGillicutty tags in and Husky wings him into Henry. Henry slams into McGillicutty.

Bryan tags in, upper cuts to McGillicutty. Shin kicks to McGillicutty’s chest in a corner. Bryan whipped, runs up the corner and flips over McGillicutty. German to McGillicutty. Bryan gets the fans into it and runs a drop kick to McGillicutty in a corner for two. Kicks to McGillicutty, but McGillicutty comes back with kicks. Husky gets a blind tag. Bryan tries to lock on a submission hold, but Husky in behind him and grabs Bryan.

Sick clothesline to Bryan for two. Husky taunts Team Orton by hitting Bryan in the head! Wade tags in as Cole tells Josh he’s out of a job as Mean Gene will be there next week. Wade pins Bryan for two. Bryan whipped, then a backbreaker. Wade pins for two again. Wade wrenches Bryan’s arms back, knee in Bryan’s spine. Bryan works up to his feet and kicks at Wade, but Wade plants Bryan on the mat for another two. Gabriel tags in.

Kicks to Bryan, then Husky tags in and they both kick on him. Slater tags in and kicks at him. Bryan whipped, but he moves and Slater eats the corner. Both down. Slater up and a cheap shot to Miz. Bryan up and kicks Slater in the face, but Cena was between the camera and the action!

Both down again. Orton wants in as Bryan reaches. Wade and Orton tag in. Orton with clotheslines, then that sick scoop slam! Wade on the apron and Orton pulls him through and holds Wade there. Cena counts to four, then Orton hits his DDT which Cole calls ‘vintage’ Orton! Orton pounds the mat, but Wade is ready and kicks on Orton, punches. Wade gets Orton up, Orton wiggles out and nails a backbreaker.

McGillicutty in to break the pin attempt. R-Truth in and slams McGillicutty to the mat. Gabriel in and takes R-Truth down. Henry in and slams Gabriel to the mat. Henry talks smack to someone outside while Cena tries to talk Henry down. Slater attacks Henry from the side. Slater and Husky throw Henry from the ring. Bryan up and flies with a double missile dropkick to Slater and Husky!

Wade gets Orton up. Orton wiggles free again and again a backbreaker on Wade. Orton pounds the mat. Cena is distracted by Otunga grabbing at his ankles. Miz in behind Orton, Riley with the case to Orton’s gut. SCF from Miz. Wade then pins Orton for three.

Winners – Nexus

Nexus raises arms across the ring as Orton lolls under the ropes. Video of Miz and Riley taking Orton out. Nexus on the stage, lift Wade on their shoulders. Husky with one leg, Otunga with the other. Otunga with a petulant look on his face, not happy holding Wade up.

Biggest pop
Santino & Kozlov

Biggest heat

Most mixed

Thanks for reading and make sure you check out www.wrestlingnewsworld.com tomorrow afternoon to RAW Is Blogged. It’s the only place to read my thoughts and feelings on what happened on this episode of RAW.

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