
WWE Vintage Collection Report (06/24/12)

WWE Vintage Collection Report: June 24th 2012
By Shaun Best-Rajah.com Reporter
Hosted by: Mean Gene Okerlund

This week, our fourth and final aerial instalment as Cruiserweight month looks to end on a high (spot)

WWE SmackDown: July 8th 2004
Rey Mysterio, Spike Dudley & Scotty 2 Hotty vs Chavo Guerrero, Jamie Noble & Akio
Rey is the reigning Cruiserweight champion. Noble breaks up Rey’s bodyscissors on Akio. Rey gets isolated in the wrong corner. Rey fights back with a wheelbarrow armdrag on Chavo, before Chavito cuts off a tag with a clothesline. Rey thwarts a double team, as he catches Chavo in a headscissors and plants Noble with a tornado DDT. Chavo gets tossed and Scotty comes in to backbodydrop Akio and elbow Noble. Spike blind tags and hits Noble with a double foot stomp from the top rope. A headscissors sends Akio out of the ring. Spike dives headfirst into Chavo’s gut, ‘ranas him to the mat and walks a mudhole in the corner. Spike counters a Noble back suplex, by stepping off Chavo and hitting the Dudley Dog. Chavo makes the save and takes Spike out with a modified backbreaker across the shoulder. Scotty surprises Chavo with a bulldog and the W-O-R-M connects. Akio gives Scotty an enziguiri, then goes airborne, leaping off Chavo’s back onto Scotty on the floor. Rey sets Chavo up for the 619, but Chavo ducks and elevates Rey onto the apron. Rey hooks Chavo onto the floor, swats Akio away and lands on both after a top rope asai moonsault. In the ring, Noble counters Spike’s Dudley Dog into a neckbreaker. Noble quickly follows up with a Tiger Driver to pin the runt of the Dudley litter. Winners: CHAVO GUERRERO, JAMIE NOBLE & AKIO.

WWE SmackDown: July 8th 2004
WWE Tag Team Titles: The Dudley Boyz vs Paul London & Billy Kidman
This match came about following a non title bout on Velocity. Kidman had D’Von pinned after a Shooting Star Press, so Bubba pulled the referee out for the DQ, before laying Kidman and London out. The challengers rush the ring and into another beatdown, until Kidman kicks D’Von away and pushes Bubba into the path of London’s missile dropkick. D’Von gets double teamed briefly. Kidman assists London with a standing moonsault. Bubba pulls the top rope down on London, then throws him into the steps to turn the tide. The Dudleys notice London’s knee brace and work his knee over. As London lies out on the floor, Bubba hits a legdrop from the apron.

London manages to avoid D’Von’s flying headbutt. Kidman gets the hot tag and holds his own against both Dudleys. London runs back in to clothesline D’Von to the floor. Bubba and London stiff each other until Bubba tosses him through the ropes. Kidman rolls Bubba up for a nearfall. Bubba slams Kidman and calls for the Wassup. London throws D’Von from the top rope, and ends up giving Bubba the Wassup headbutt instead, after Kidman turns the tables. Kidman knocks D’Von off the apron and sends him into the guardrail as London floors Bubba with a superkick. Kidman lands the Shooting Star Press to cause the upset victory. The new champions celebrate in the ring, and would get endorsed by a Dudleys handshake backstage. Winners: PAUL LONDON & BILLY KIDMAN.

ECW Three Way Dance: April 8th 1995
ECW TV Title: 2 Cold Scorpio vs Eddie Guerrero
Scorpio was beginning his second title reign, while Eddie was making his ECW debut. Both mat wrestle until a suplex sends Scorpio retreating to the floor. Scorpio refuses a handshake and shoves Eddie to the mat. Eddie immediately kips back up. Scorpio gives Eddie an STO. Eddie responds with a leg trip. Now it’s Scorpio who extends his hand, but Eddie pulls him in for a short-arm clothesline, then drags his boots across Scorpio’s face. Eddie uses the ropes to land a somersault splash. Scorpio reverses a Scorpion Deathlock into a single leg grapevine, but Eddie quickly makes it to the ropes. From a test of strength, Eddie hits a standing dropkick, followed by a brainbuster. A frog splash connects, but Scorpio kicks out at two. Eddie settles into a chinlock as we go to commercials.

Scorpio is out on the floor. Eddie teases a dive through the ropes, but changes suit and leaps from the top rope instead. Eddie has the rabid ECW faithful cheering for him. A cradle suplex and tornado DDT give Eddie nearfalls. Eddie misses a charge and crashes face first in the corner, but recovers to crotch Scorpio on the top rope. Eddie climbs up to deliver a Frankensteiner. Eddie looks to repeat the move, only to throw another curveball and backflip to the mat and land on his feet. Scorpio quickly lands a cross body for two. Scorpio splashes Eddie in the corner and starts to showboat with a top rope moonsault, powerbomb and somersault legdrop. Scorpio hits the tumbleweed (corkscrew somersault legdrop), but pulls Eddie up at two. Scorpio continues to toy with Eddie as he makes him eat a superkick. Scorpio shoots Eddie off the ropes, Eddie quickly hooks a bodyscissors into a rollup and upsets Scorpio for the 1-2-3. Winner: EDDIE GUERRERO.

WCW Superbrawl VIII: February 22nd 1998
Cruiserweight Title vs Mask: Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera
We join the match with Juventud busting out a series of high spots, including a dangerous looking springboard headscissors off the apron. Jericho pretends to be knocked out, seemingly happy to take a countout loss. Juventud finally cottons on and drops an elbow to continue the match. Juventud prevents a german suplex by landing on his feet. Jericho drops a charging Juventud throat first across the top rope. A springboard dropkick knocks Juventud off the apron. Jericho boasts into the camera that he “can fly too.” Jericho sets up the ring steps as a springboard, but Juventud catches and drops him across the guardrail. Jericho recovers to catch a springboard cross body and plant Juventud with a piledriver for two. A cocky pin with his arms flexed gets Jericho another nearfall.

Jericho places Juventud on the ropes. Juventud pushes him off. Jericho catches Juventud on his shoulders and delivers an electric chair drop. Jericho blindly goes high risk. Juventud dropkicks him to the floor. A springboard elbow connects on Jericho in the aisle. Juventud turns a float over attempt into a Juvi Driver. The 450 splash connects. 1-2-3. Juventud has beaten Jericho…or has he? Referee Mickie Jay has spotted Jericho’s hand on the bottom rope. The match continues! Jericho clips Juventud’s knee from behind. Juventud rolls up Jericho for two. Jericho quickly clotheslines. Juventud reverses a powerbomb into a DDT. Jericho blocks a top rope Frankensteiner, but leaps off into an inverted atomic drop. Juventud hits a springboard hurracanrana for two. Jericho hits a reverse suplex for two, before missing a lionsault. Juventud rolls out of a Liontamer attempt and nearly pins Jericho again. Juventud goes for oine hurracanrana too many as Jericho finally traps him in the Liontamer in the middle of the ring. Juventud taps out and Jericho dedicates the win to all his Jerichoholics. Jericho makes Quasimodo jokes as Juventud unties his mask and apologises to his father. Jericho rips off the mask as we see Juventud’s face for the first time. WCW executed this angle as well as they did with Rey Mysterio’s unmasking. Pretty badly! Juventud would finally beat Jericho for the title at Road Wild. Winner: CHRIS JERICHO.

Beginning next week, the “Best in the World” showcase comes to Vintage Collection.

Any comments or discussion points drop me a line at shaunmb1@hotmail.com.

Follow me on Twitter @Shaun_Best.

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