
US Blesses Egyptian Repression with Apache Attack Helicopters

Orchestrated overthrow of democratically-elected government: check.

Repression, arrest, and death sentences for political opponents: check.

Mass crackdown on journalists and critical media: check.

Shipment of U.S.-made Apache attack helicopters to government behind said actions: They’re on their way.

According to Reuters:

Late last month, Human Rights Watch counted itself among those urging against the resumption of U.S. military aid to Egypt saying that the military regime in Cairo did not meet the standards set out by the State Department.

Since assuming power in the summer of last year, said Human Rights Watch in a statement,

“The question is no longer whether Egypt is on the road to democratic transition, but how much of its brute repression the US will paper over,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “An accurate appraisal of Egypt’s record since the military-backed overthrow of President Morsy would conclude that, far from developing basic freedoms, the Egyptian authorities are doing the opposite.”

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