
Pittsburgh mayor hits Trump, Tom Brady in campaign ad

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto (D) is launching a new ad for his 2017 mayoral campaign that targets President TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE and links him to New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady.

The 30-second ad, titled “Great City,” begins with Peduto addressing the president directly.

“Mr. President, you say you’ll make America great again,” he says in the ad.

“Well, Pittsburgh has defined greatness. We got up off the mat and grew our city for the first time in 50 years with billions in new investment, more police and firefighters, job training for thousands of new jobs and affordable housing in every neighborhood.”


At the end of the ad, the mayor warns the president against cutting healthcare and after-school programs.

“Mr. President, if you keep trying to cut healthcare and after-school programs, even a Patriots fan like you should know that won’t play in Pittsburgh,” he says in the ad.

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The end of the ad then shows a paper with a photo of Trump and Brady embracing. The headline says: “Donald Trump: Tom Brady says I’m the greatest.”

“Re-elect a good mayor,” text says at the end of the ad.

Matt Merriman-Preston, Peduto’s longtime political field marshal, said the ad shows the mayor “taking a leadership role.”

“We’ve seen a proposed [federal] budget that would cut after school and other programs,” Merriman-Preston told The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

“These are things that would affect cities disproportionately, and they need to be front line of defense.”

The ad will start airing on TV and social media on Tuesday.

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