
Matt Hardy Confirms that “BROKEN” Gimmick is Gone For Now

Maybe it was evil ways of MeekMahan, but it appears that the Hardy Boyz are indeed reverting back to their normal selves. Earlier today Matt Hardy took to Twitter to explain, “The sheer NIRVANA of coming home to that DEAFENING ovation at #Wrestlemania seems to have contained my CONDISHTION. If it CAN be contained
There could be a number of reasons as to why to gimmick was dropped upon retuning to WWE; maybe Vince McMahon offered to bring “Team Xtreme” back and did not understand or see value in the “Broken” gimmick. Perhaps the legal threats from Anthem are no longer an issue that WWE or the Hardys are willing to deal with any longer.
In Raw Talk this past Monday night, the two brothers appeared to be out of character, leaving many to speculate the future of the “Broken” gimmick. Fortunately for fans of the character, Reby Hardy, the wife of Matt Hardy has assured via Twitter, “What is #BROKEN can never be truly “fixed”. Adding GOLD never hurts tho…” When a fan informed her that they wanted “Broken” Matt back, she suggested, “Don’t tell me, Tell WWE.”

Are you happy to see the traditional Hardys back, or should WWE take a chance on the #BROKENBrilliance of Matt Hardy? Let us know in the comments.

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