
WWE 205 Live Results (10/10): The Beginning Of Murphy’s Rule

Tonight’s episode of 205 Live opens up with a video package recapping last Saturday’s Super-Show Down, where hometown hero Buddy Murphy defeated Cedric Alexander to become the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion. This ended Cedric’s near six month title reign that began at WrestleMania 34.
Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness & Percy Watson welcome us to the show and dubs it as The “Buddy Murphy” era. They then inform us that some Twitter trash talk from the new champ’s training partner Tony Nese has set up our main event for tonight as Cedric Alexander will be facing Tony Nese.
Lio Rush is on his way to the ring for his open challenge. He grabs a microphone and calls himself the man of the hour. He then says that who ever gets into the ring with him he will make famous. “So, Who’s it gonna be?” Lince Dorado’s music hits so it appears that he is the one who will answer Lio Rush’s open challenge.

Lio Rush vs. Lince Dorado: Dorado gets the crowd to do some Lucha chants before the tie-up. Nice sequence where both men trade arm-drags and dropkicks. Rush lands the first strike of the bout to Dorado’s stomach. Frankensteiner by Dorado. He catches Rush in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and goes for the cover. Only two. Dorado tries to attempt a move from the top rope but Rush knocks him off to the outside. Suicide dive from Rush and the man of the hour is in control. Rush smashes Dorado into the barricade and tosses him back in the ring before they both get counted out. In the corner, Rush rakes Dorado’s chest followed by a big backdrop. Pinfall but Dorado kicks out. Rush thwarts a comeback attempt with a quick combo ending with an elbow to the head. He tries to rip of Dorado’s mask, but Dorado gets angry and lands some stiff uppercuts. Big dropkick from rush but Dorado responds with a huge lariat. With some momentum, Dorado nails a modified slam plus a top rope crossbody. A close two count. Rush catches him with a couple of quick kicks and a spinning kill switch. Somehow Dorado kicks out. Rush goes to the top but Dorado rolls out of the way. Rush chases him. Roll up from Dorado. Kick out. Superkick from Dorado. Springboard stunner from Dorado that sends Rush to the floor. Springboard plancha. Maria Kanellis comes out and distracts Dorado. Mike Kanellis attacks Dorado. The referee calls for the bell and the disqualification. Winner via DQ: Lince Dorado
After the match, Mike Kanellis continues his beat-down on Dorado and ends it with a twisting reverse DDT. He and Maria kiss over an unconscious Dorado. The commentary team is in shock and wonders how 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick will respond.
We get a promo from New WWE Cruiserweight Champion Buddy Murphy from a balcony in Australia. He says that he proved that you can’t stop the unstoppable. He also says that he won’t be at 205 Live, because the champ does what he wants. He then says that he will be back when he’s ready.
We head backstage in the locker room area where we see that Cedric Alexander is preparing for his match. Mustafa Ali walks in to see how he is doing. Ali says that in two weeks time he will be facing Hideo Itami in a Falls Count Anywhere Matchup to end their intense rivalry. Ali also tells Cedric that he thinks his matchup against Tony Nese tonight is too soon and that Cedric is still reeling from his title loss. Cedric appreciates the advice, but claims that he is ready to shut Nese up. They shake hands to end the segment.

We get an advertisement for tonight’s NXT featuring a Triple Threat Match between Ricochet, Pete Dunne & Adam Cole for The NXT North American Championship.
We get a house ad for WWE 2K19.
Vic Joseph sends us to a clip from last week’s 205 Live where Drew Gulak & Gentleman Jack Gallagher attacked The Brian Kendrick and kicked him out of their faction.

We then get a promo from Drew Gulak & Gentleman Jack Gallagher where they explain that it is difficult to dissolve a partnership, but it’s better to do it quickly than let something linger. Gallagher then says that it was painful, but necessary. Gallagher then says that he looked up to Kendrick, but their partnership was based on respect and being scoundrels and Kendrick had gotten sentimental. Gallagher then says that next week they will deal with another thorn in their sides when they’ll face Akira Tozawa. Drew declares “their message is clear and their constitution is unclouded” in their quest for a better 205 Live.
Tony Nese is on his way to the ring and it’s main event time.
Tony Nese vs. Cedric Alexander: Tie-up. Headlock from Cedric. Nese tries to break it off but Cedric keeps it clutched on. Both men trade hammerlocks, each gaining the advantage at some point. Nese dodges Cedric and takes him down with an arm-drag. Big elbow from Nese. He dodges another attack and then showboats with jumping jacks and flex poses. That pisses Cedric off, who hits a big dropkick. To the corner, Cedric unloads on Nese with knife-edged chops. Nese rolls to the outside and pulls Cedric out who lands on the arena floor hard. Nese works Cedric over on the outside before throwing him back into the ring. He wears him down with a reverse bear hug. Cedric attempts a comeback but Nese cuts him off with a powerful shoulder block. Pinfall attempt. Two count. Nese goes back to work on the ribs with a body scissor lock. Nese slams Cedric’s neck into the ropes and then attempts a springboard moonsault, but Cedric gets the knees up. Cedric hits three straight clotheslines and a low dropkick to Nese’s knees. Springboard flatliner by Cedric but Nese rolls to the outside. He goes for a suicide dive but Nese comes in. Dodged by Cedric, who knocks Nese to the outside again. Tope Con Hilo. Back in the ring, Cedric hits a big springboard clothesline. Another cover but Nese kicks out. Cedric doesn’t look happy.
Nese surprises Cedric with a jackknife cover. Both men trade rollups. Michinoku driver from Cedric with a pinfall but Nese kicks out again. He goes for the springboard flatliner again but Nese has it scouted. Nese catches Cedric with a stiff palm strike. Rib-breaker from Nese and now both men are down. Trash talk from Nese. He calls Cedric a fluke champion. Stiff strikes from both men. Big running elbow from Nese but Cedric bounces right back with his signature springboard enziguri. Big chops from each man. Spanish fly from Cedric. Nese got his foot on the ropes. Cedric goes for a springboard but Nese cuts his legs out and he hits the apron hard. Back in the ring, Cedric goes for the lumbar check but the referee blocks it because Nese is on the ropes. Big left from Nese followed by a german into the turnbuckle. Running knee and a 450 splash. Nese gets the victory. Winner: Tony Nese
After the match, commentary calls this the biggest win of Tony Nese’s career. They show highlights of the insane action from that matchup. Cedric Alexander looks distraught after losing yet again as 205 Live goes off the air.

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