
IMPACT Wrestling Results (11/01): Pentagon Jr. vs. Hernandez

This week’s episode of IMPACT Wrestling opens up with a video package featuring the recap of last week’s episode as well as the incredible IMPACT World Title Match between IMPACT World Champion Johnny Impact & Fenix.
Josh Matthews & Don Callis welcomes us to the show and sends us to ringside as we are kicking off the night with long-time friends Rich Swann & Willie Mack facing each other in one-on-one action.
Rich Swann vs. Willie Mack: Rich begins with his trademark dance moves to get the crowd clapping along. Swann then starts the action off by grabbing a side headlock on Willie Mack until he is bounced off the ropes. The two exchange a series of reversals, flips, dances and dropkicks as they bounce from rope to rope. The crowd gives a solid round of applause for the athleticism shown. Swann delivers a stiff kick to the abdomen of Willie Mack. Mack reverses it to a big shoulder tackle and then backs Swann up in to the turnbuckle. He then delivers a hard chop. Mack follows it up with a headlock takeover on to a disoriented Swann. Big knee strikes are delivered from Mack on to Swann’s back. Then, a neckbreaker off the ropes from Mack to Swann. Rich begins to fight back with abdomen strikes but Willie stays on him with a unique, running vertical suplex. We get a close 2 count. Swann counters with some nice chops but Willie returns the favor with a huge chop. Swann counters Mack in the corner and connects with a sunset slip for a close 2 count. Willie answers with a spinning heel kick. He then perches Rich Swann on to one turnbuckle, climbs to the opposite end of the ring and connects with an awe-inspiring coast-to-coast.

THIS IS INSANE! @Willie_Mack nails a coast to coast dropkick! #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/EMLihZFNDx
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 2, 2018

Willie stays on him with a diving crossbody to the outside. He drags Swann back inside the ring and Mack delivers an unorthodox facebuster for a close 2 count. Mack very audibly slaps Swann’s chest until Rich finally gets in some reversal kicks and follows up with a rolling leg drop. Rich Swann hits his signature second-rope 450 splash but can’t quite put Willie away.

.@Willie_Mack is on a roll. #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/wKzWkAfd8E
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 2, 2018

After a reversal in the corner, Rich Swann gets a face full of Willie Mack’s backside when he gets cannon balled and crushed on the turnbuckle. Mack follows with a beautiful sequence of a samoan drop, nip up, a standing moonsault and a very close two count. Rich reverses Mack’s stunner, attempts to deliver a cutter, but gets hit with the stunner never-the-less. Swann got his foot on the rope for a close 2 count. Willie Mack goes for a six-star frog splash but nobody’s home. Swann hits some major kicks to Mack’s head and connects with a cutter. Only a 2 count. Rich Swann climbs to the top rope and hits a phoenix splash to finally get the 1-2-3. Winner: Rich Swann

We head backstage where oVe brags about how they are the only ones to ever defeat Brian Cage and how they plan to bring meaning back to The X-Division Title. They then invite Brian Cage to their turf, Ohio.
Commentary updates us on the rest of the card for tonight.
Gamma Singh comes out and introduces Raj Singh as part of the new Desi Hit Squad. This prompts a match, which is up next.

The Desi Hit Squad (Rohit Raju & Raj Singh) vs. The Beach Bums (TJ Crawford & Freddy IV): Rohit Raju begins the match against TJ Crawford, quickly taking over with a stiff clothesline and striking TJ while he’s down. Raju promptly tags in Singh and they team up, delivering a dropkick and a cannonball to TJ in their team’s corner. Freddy IV finally gets a tag in but eats a mouth full of boot for his trouble. Raju then gets tagged in and The Desi Hit Squad team up to deliver more combo strikes. Singh and Raju are obviously controlling the majority of this match. More combination kicks and strikes in the corner on Freddy IV. IV finally gets a few strikes in as he tries to escape, but he receives a knee to the temple for trying and gets pinned 1-2-3. Winners: The Desi Hit Squad (Rohit Raju & Raj Singh)

The Desi Hit Squad are working like a well-oiled unit. #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/ZmMq1ZBcEG
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 2, 2018

We then get a promo from The OGz walking the streets while King says that they are still on top and that they are still untouchable.
LAX then cuts a promo about how they are not all about the hippie stuff that Sydal & Page represent. They also touch on what The OGz are up to as Konnan tells Santana & Ortiz to focus on their match tonight.
We then get a video package featuring the recap of Moose & Eddie Edward’s tumultuous relationship as well as the hype for their match next week at The Final Hour Show.
We then see oVe appearing live as an Ohio crowd enthusiastically chants behind them. A person imitating Brian Cage makes his entrance but he is obviously not the real Swolverine. Sami Callihan cuts a promo on the impostor about how he is and always will be superior to Cage. oVe then proceeds to beat the fake Cage down and Callihan claims that he is the rightful X-Division Champion.

All Seeing Eye by @TheSamiCallihan, @TheDaveCrist and @TheJakeCrist. #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/u4HZMeqsWA
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 2, 2018

We then see Eli Drake yelling in Joseph Park’s face about how he plans to sue IMPACT Wrestling for unsafe working conditions. Park actually likes the idea and expands on it, saying that they should create a class action lawsuit with all the wrestlers. Drake then calls him a dummy and exits.
We head backstage where Scarlett Bordeaux greets Gamma Singh and The Desi Hit Squad. Gamma then tries serenading her with a song but Raju pokes a little bit of fun at him. Scarlett then brings up her talent search and implores them to send her a video.
Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie (IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Title Match):

The Knockouts Championship is on the line NOW! #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/SAeS2Yrfil
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 2, 2018

Tessa shoves Valkyrie in the face right off the bat. The two women proceed in to a quick exchange of reversals, arm drags and kicks until Taya connects with double knees to Tessa’s back and face. Valkyrie gets Blanchard backed in to the turnbuckle for a stiff kick but Tessa rolls to the outside and reverses a kick from Taya. This brings Taya out to the floor. Tessa goes flying through the ropes with a beautiful tope suicida. Tessa then has Taya in a brutal looking chicken wing maneuver that has her arms tied behind her back. Valkyrie reverses with elbows to the abdomen and delivers a crossbody off the ropes. Blanchard gets some strikes on Taya and is back in control. Tessa throws Taya face first in to the 2nd rope, does a running kick to Valkyrie’s back and then gets a close 2 count. Blanchard is staying on Taya with a perfectly executed body slam. Tessa goes to the top rope but Taya has it scouted and forearms her in the chest. She follows that up with an Irish whip in to the corner, a back elbow and a stiff boot to the side of Blanchard’s head. Valkyrie delivers a headlock takeover and a running dropkick to a sitting Blanchard. Tessa gets a reversal in the corner but receives a spear shortly thereafter. Both women slowly up to their feet. Taya hits some loud chops on Tessa and then follows up with a huge German suplex. Close 2 count. Tessa delivers a sudden cutter and both women are back down.

.@TheTayaValkyrie flies to the floor to wipe out Blanchard! #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/85OYy2LGio
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 2, 2018

A series of reversals result in Taya taking control and she maneuvers a modified surfboard in to a stomp on Tessa’s back. Huge moonsault from Taya Valkyrie connects, which gets a close 2 count. Taya climbs up and does a massive crossbody to the floor, landing on Blanchard. Tessa knocks out the referee in what appeared to be an attempt to save her Knockouts Championship. Winner by DQ: Taya Valkyrie
They air a video package promoting the upcoming IMPACT World Title Match between Johnny Impact & Killer Cross at The Final Hour Show. Both men give solid performances addressing what their intentions are for IMPACT Wrestling.
A video package hyping up the debut of a new Knockout, Jordynne Grace, is shown. In the video package, she talks about the lucha libre training she has received in Mexico and confidently boasts about her strength training.

.@JordynneGrace debuts next week at Final Hour. #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/uOgY6ofUg8
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 2, 2018

The flashback moment of the week is aired, which features Gail Kim vs. Candice LeRae.
Fenix & Pentagon Jr. then cuts a promo talking about how they are not pawns in The OGz and LAX’s games. They then call themselves The Lucha Brothers and threaten that they will give The OGz what they deserve in the ring.
Brian Cage then cuts a promo responding to Sami Callihan. He says that he will travel to Ohio next week and defend The IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Title against Sami Callihan and anyone else from Ohio that wants a piece of him.
Commentary then discuss the card for Final Hour.
IMPACT Wrestling World Tag Team Champions LAX (Santana & Ortiz) vs. Matt Sydal & Ethan Page (Non-Title Match): Ortiz and Sydal start the match with Matt getting a couple of quick kicks to start out. Ortiz gains the advantage and forces Sydal in to his team’s corner, tagging Santana in the process. Santana with a standing moonsault and LAX does a little taunting to add insult to injury. Matt tags out and Page comes in. Santana bests him, delivering rapid arm drags and following it up with a springboard sunset flip, then kicking Ethan right in the teeth. Santana hits Page with a few chops but Ethan is able to connect with a side slam. Matt Sydal tags in and does a running knee on Santana in the corner. They begin to battle on the outside. Sydal and Page are yelling in Konnan’s face until Santana completely jumps over Konnan and hits both men with a senton splash.

.@SantanaLAX takes out Page and Sydal with a dive off the apron! #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/JVgVgpQsOr
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 2, 2018

Sydal is in control now and has Santana in a heel hook/crossface submission hold. After his pinfall attempt is broken up by Ortiz, Matt tags in Page. Ethan with hard stomps on a downed Santana and a few chops. Quick tags between Sydal and Ethan Page. Matt has Santana in a chin lock at the center of the ring but Santana escapes with abdomen strikes. Matt is able to get Page back in and they’re once again in total control. More chops and strikes to Santana in the corner of Sydal and Page. More quick tags between Sydal and Page along with their continued stomps and submission holds. They then have Santana trapped in the corner. Matt hits a sidewalk slam and Page connects with a big elbow drop but they only receives a two count. More quick tags between Page and Sydal, however, Santana is finally able to reverse and tag in Ortiz. Ortiz comes in hot with a headscissor takedown on Page followed up by a rolling clothesline. He has Ethan in the corner and hits a big splash. Ortiz hits a signature planking splash for a 2 count. LAX works in tandem and connects with a combo cutter. Santana then hits a northern lights suplex but only gets a 2 count on Ethan Page. Page tags in Sydal and Matt delivers a double stomp to the chest of Ortiz. Matt and Page do a double superkick to Ortiz but their pinfall attempt is cut off by Santana. Continuous reversals between Ortiz and Matt Sydal. LAX hits their finisher and finally put away Matt Sydal for the 1-2-3. Winners: LAX (Santana & Ortiz)
We then get a video segment that shows Allie apologizing to Kiera Hogan for what has been happening over the past few weeks. They have a heated exchange in which Kiera demands more information about what’s wrong with Allie. Allie then finally confesses that the darkness is taking over her mind. Kiera then promises that they will finish Su Yung together.
Homicide vs. Pentagon Jr.: Pentagon hits Homicide with a stiff kick and some arm drags to get things started. The two men begin exchanging counters but Pentagon comes out on top. Pentagon exposes the chest of Homicide and delivers a mighty loud chop. Pentagon climbs to the top but misses with the double stomp. To counter, Homicide comes rushing in with a clothesline and finally gets some control. Homicide contorts and bites the fingers of Pentagon. The two men exchange running clotheslines as they travel from turnbuckle to turnbuckle.

Homicide is biting Pentagon’s fingers! #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/jDtnl19IDH
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 2, 2018

Pentagon connects with a backstabber, causing Homicide to roll to the outside. He follows it up with multiple kicks and chops on Homicide. Homicide regains control, rushes back in to the ring and then dives back out and topples over Pentagon with a diving senton. More strikes and muscle manipulation from Homicide before they both roll back in the ring. Homicide executes an exploder suplex on Pentagon Jr. and then follows it up with a beautiful spinning DDT from the top turnbuckle, causing Pentagon to barely kick out at the 2 count. Another exchange in the corner has Pentagon coming out on top, kicking the legs out from Homicide and connecting with a beautiful double stomp attack. The crowd erupts in “Ole, Ole, Ole” chants. Pentagon goes for his fear factor piledriver but gets reversed. A hard hitting chop battle ensues. Homicide attempts his finisher on Pentagon but it gets reversed in to a schoolboy roll-up, allowing Pentagon to get the 1-2-3. Winner: Pentagon Jr.

.@PENTAELZEROM SMASHES Homicide with a double stomp in the corner. #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/ztibRXbHiH
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 2, 2018

After the match, Hernandez quickly interrupts the victory and attacks Pentagon Jr. with multiple strikes. Fenix makes the save and they are able to best Hernandez momentarily, however, King sneakily attacks them from behind and regains control. The mauling ensues and The Lucha Brothers get lynched until they are incapacitated. The OGz stand strong as we conclude another exciting episode of IMPACT Wrestling.
We then get a video package promoting next week’s Final Hour Show to close out this week’s episode of IMPACT Wrestling.

Tick tock.
Tick tock.
Tick tock.
Is time running out for @TheRealMorrison as he faces @realKILLERkross at Final Hour next week? #IMPACTonPop pic.twitter.com/nnbHO0bHAG
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) November 2, 2018

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