
MLW Fusion results: Six-man tables match

– We opened with two thirds of Dynasty (Richard Holliday and Alexander Hammerstone) in the parking lot after finding MJF’s car. The Hart Foundation had given it their own makeover — complete with pizza boxes, empty drink bottles, and discarded condoms…what a party!?

– Rich Bocchini and Jim Cornette hyped up the new National Openweight Championship with the finals of a four-man tournament taking place on June 1 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The package included media clippings from around the world.

Jordan Oliver defeated Kotto Brazil (6:32)

Oliver made his MLW debut here and lived up to his nickname — “The real-life Spider-Man” — with some nice aerial attacks. He picked up the win after the ever-athletic Brazil was distracted by Ricky Martinez and Salina de la Renta.

Quick start from Brazil, but Oliver got the upper hand on the outside when Brazil missed a crossbody and collided head-first with the ring post. After a short amount of heat, Brazil came back by reversing a suplex with a hurricanrana, then hitting two big clotheslines and a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. He hit a blockbuster off the top rope and then a big frog splash for a two count.

Salina de la Renta and Ricky Martinez arrived at ringside and distracted Brazil long enough for Oliver to schoolboy Brazil, but he only got a two count. Another Oliver two count followed after a slingshot stunner. Brazil then hit a stunner of his own that knocked Oliver to the outside, so he followed up with two suicide dives — doing his best to drive over the guardrail and land in the front row each time.

On his attempt at a third, Martinez grabbed his ankle, but Brazil took him out with a big diving forearm. Brazil got back into the ring but was still distracted by Promociones Dorado, which gave Oliver the opportunity to hit a huge springboard cutter and pick up the surprise win.

 – Avalanche Robert Dreissker from wXw in Germany has signed on for an MLW World Heavyweight Championship shot against “Filthy” Tom Lawlor. We saw a short promo from Avalanche hyping up the match.

– We then saw a recap of an injury angle from moments ago where Dynasty attacked Brian Pillman Jr. backstage and it looked like they separated his shoulder with a chair shot after trapping his arm.

Rey Horus defeated Ace Austin (14:12)

We heard that this is the first time these two have squared off and also that Horus is the cousin of Rey Mysterio Jr. We saw a lot of his families’ athleticism in this match. Horus picked up the win after a spectacular modified hurricanrana/victory roll off the top rope.

They began with chain wrestling, which was a bit of a slower start than we are used to with these two. Bocchini said as much on commentary, but Cornette wisely said that you wouldn’t go running 100 mph into a guy that you had no knowledge of and you need to expect a feeling out process to take place. They hyped up the National Openweight tournament and speculated if the winner of this match would enter themselves into it.

The pace quickened but they stayed at a stalemate, matching each other with leg trips, kick outs, and dodges of superkicks. Austin hit a savate kick to the side of the head, then a soccer kick off the apron to Horus while he was on the floor. He stayed on top but kept a slower pace, trying to wear Horus down.

Horus had his mask ripped off him in the corner but quickly replaced it. Kaci Lennox gave us an inset update on Pillman Jr., saying it wasn’t looking good for him to compete later on. All the while Horus was making his comeback, hitting a big kick that knocked Austin out of the ring and landing a superb slingshot corkscrew crossbody for good measure.

Austin tried to cut Horus off the top rope, but Horus landed on his feet and hit a Spanish Fly for a two count. They traded chops, then different variations of kicks before Austin hit a twisting brainbuster for a close two count.
Horus cut Austin off on the top rope and finished him with a springboard victory roll off the top for the win.

– Salina de la Renta blew off Low Ki backstage when she didn’t have time to speak to him as she was on the phone with what sounded like LA Park.

– We caught up with “Filthy” Tom Lawlor. He said finally Jimmy Havoc — the only person to beat him in MLW — is out of the equation. Lawlor can now do what he wants to do — defend the MLW World title against all comers. He called out Avalanche and LA Park, and said he isn’t backing down from anyone.

Dynasty (Alexander Hammerstone, MJF & Richard Holliday) defeated The Hart Foundation (Davey Boy Smith Jr., Teddy Hart & Brian Pillman Jr.) in a tables match (11:56)

Only Smith and Hart (and his cat) came out for the Hart Foundation, with Pillman being absent after the earlier attack by Dynasty. Holliday and Hammerstone played up the friction between them as they couldn’t decide who should start the match, so they ended up getting jumped by Hart.

Smith superkicked Holliday, then gorilla press slammed Hart into Hammerstone and MJF, who caught him, but Smith followed up with a double dropkick to knock all of the Dynasty members to the outside.

They briefly brawled on the outside, but Teddy Hart then hit one of the highest moonsaults from the top rope to the floor that I have ever seen, taking out his three opponents in the process. They continued to brawl on the outside — complete with suplexes on the concrete floor.

In the ring, Hart hit Holliday with his delayed hammerlock DDT, then hit a combo pendulum piledriver/DDT to Hammerstone and MJF while they hung in the ropes. The Hart Foundation then obliterated MJF with a powerslam off the top rope (Smith), a moonsault off the top (Hart), a flying headbutt off the top (Smith), and finally a slingshot moonsault for good measure (Hart).

On the outside, Smith was taken out by Hammerstone, so the numbers game quickly escalated for the Dynasty as they were able to hit a double assisted spike tombstone on Hart. Smith fought back into the ring, where he and Hammerstone had a stare-off while holding up opponents in vertical suplexes. Holliday made the save for MJF, which let Hammerstone hit his suplex on Hart.

The numbers game played in Dynasty’s advantage again as they singled out Smith and set up a table in the corner of the ring, but Pillman made the save from the back and was a house of fire, taking out everyone with superkicks. The Hart Foundation hit a double assisted Canadian Destroyer on Hammerstone, then a Doomsday Canadian Destroyer on MJF (while standing on Hammerstone’s back in the corner) — amazing!

All seemed lost for the Dynasty, but their fortune turned in a blink of an eye. Holliday ran in and double low blowed Hart and Smith and took Pillman down with a shoulder drop. Hammerstone then powerbombed Pillman through the table in the corner for the win.

– Kaci Lennox was backstage with Salina de la Renta and she announced Gringo Loco vs. El Hijo de LA Park and Daga vs. Low Ki for next week. De la Renta is the executive producer of next week’s episode.

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