
Little Girl’s Picture With Trump And Obama Reflects How Every Democrat Feels Right Now

Amariyanna Copeny has gotten a lot of attention lately for two pictures that perfectly exemplify every left-leaning citizen’s feelings about this election season. As Little Miss Flint, Copeny had the chance to meet both Barack Obama and Donald Trump when they came on separate occasions to speak on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.

After writing a letter to President Obama earlier this year with an invitation to visit the city and bring attention to its public health crisis, eight-year-old Copeny was thrilled to meet him this past May. She got a running start and leapt to hug the president, something we all wish we could be small and adorable enough to do.

Clearly, Copeny felt at ease in Obama’s presence. The same could not be said of her meeting with Trump, however. One look at the expression on her face will tell you everything you need to know about her opinion of this candidate.

After meeting with the Republican presidential nominee during his stop at Flint on Wednesday, the photo quickly went viral on social media. The reactions are almost as hilarious as Copeny’s perturbed expression.

If you’re still undecided about whom to vote for this election season, remember the fact that children are excellent judges of character. On that note, I’ll just leave this right here:

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