Granger Smith est en deuil. Le chanteur américain de country de 39 ans a annoncé jeudi 6 juin 2019 la mort du plus jeune de ses trois enfants dans des conditions tragiques. Son fils River, âgé seulement de 3 ans, est décédé après s’être noyé dans la piscine de leur maison située à Georgetown, dans le Texas. Information confirmée par le porte-parole du chanteur. Le décès de River a été prononcé Dell Children’s Medical Center Texas.
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Malgré la douleur, Granger Smith a tenu à s’adresser en personne aux 786 000 abonnés qui le suivent sur Instagram. “Je dois vous faire part d’une nouvelle inimaginable. Nous avons perdu notre plus jeune fils, River Kelly Smith. Après un tragique accident, et malgré tous les efforts des médecins, il n’a pas pu revenir à la vie“, a-t-il publié. Le chanteur country et son épouse Amber ont alors pris une grande décision, celle de donner les organes de leur petit River “pour donner une seconde chance à d’autres enfants.” “Riv était spécial. Tous ceux qui l’ont rencontré l’ont su immédiatement. La joie qu’il a apportée dans nos vies ne peut être décrite et il brillera à jamais dans nos coeurs“, a-t-il ajouté. Un message déchirant illustré avec une photo de lui tenant River dans les bras. Le petit garçon avait fêté ses 3 ans le 16 mai dernier…
I have to deliver unthinkable news. We’ve lost our youngest son, River Kelly Smith. Following a tragic accident, and despite doctor’s best efforts, he was unable to be revived. Amber and I made the decision to say our last goodbyes and donate his organs so that other children will be given a second chance at life. Our family is devastated and heartbroken, but we take solace in knowing he is with his Heavenly Father. Riv was special. Everyone that met him knew that immediately. The joy he brought to our lives cannot be expressed and his light will be forever in our hearts. If there are words to say more, I cannot find them in this moment. Love the ones close to you. There has never been a more difficult moment for us than this. . . In lieu of flowers or gifts, please send donations to Dell Children’s Medical Center in River’s name. The doctors, nurses and staff have been incredible.
Someone is 3 today! Happy birthday to our fearless, tractor and Lightening McQueen loving, red-headed, dare devil! He keeps us laughing, definitely keeps me on my toes, gives the best hugs and is as sweet as honey! We love our little Riv
Nothing can prepare a mother to deliver this kind of news. We’ve lost our youngest son, River Kelly Smith. Following a tragic accident, and despite doctor’s best efforts, he was unable to be revived. Granger and I made the decision to say our last goodbyes and donate his organs so that other children will be given a second chance at life. Our family is devastated and heartbroken, but we take solace in knowing he is with his Heavenly Father. Riv was special. Everyone that met him knew that immediately. The joy he brought to our lives cannot be expressed and his light will be forever in our hearts. If there are words to say more, we cannot find them in this moment. Love the ones close to you. There has never been a more difficult moment for us than this. . . In lieu of flowers or gifts, please send donations to Dell Children’s Medical Center in River’s name. The doctors, nurses and staff have been incredible.