CBA外援利夫生涯面对詹姆斯 5胜0负未尝败绩&历史第一
在北京时间9月12日的新闻报道中,数据媒体ExtraMuse今天公布了一组有趣的数据。 前NBA球员,现役CBA外援TJ-利夫面对勒布朗-詹姆斯的生涯战绩为5胜0负,这是历史上任何球员生涯面对詹姆斯未尝败绩下的最多胜场纪录。 上赛季,利夫在CBA北京首钢队效力。休赛期,利夫正式加盟南京男篮。 Keyword: NBA 直播
在北京时间9月12日的新闻报道中,数据媒体ExtraMuse今天公布了一组有趣的数据。 前NBA球员,现役CBA外援TJ-利夫面对勒布朗-詹姆斯的生涯战绩为5胜0负,这是历史上任何球员生涯面对詹姆斯未尝败绩下的最多胜场纪录。 上赛季,利夫在CBA北京首钢队效力。休赛期,利夫正式加盟南京男篮。 Keyword: NBA 直播
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Introduce When fastening wood and drywall, it’s crucial to use the right tools. Among the many options available, plasterboard screws make for a versatile and reliable choice. Known for their superior holding power and durability, plasterboard screws play a vital role in a variety of construction projects. In this blog, we’ll take an in-depth look at…
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Although bearings and other precision components are generally made of hardened steel or metal alloys, those used in high load applications can still fail from excessive wear, surface fatigue, pitting, galling and corrosion. This is exacerbated in applications with metal-to-metal interaction, repetitive friction at high speeds or where little to no lubrication is present. Fortunately,…
Jan 03/22 What Is Assembly Sequencing? If you’ve worked in the manufacturing and assembly world, chances are you’ve heard the term “assembly sequence”. You may know that this is an important part of improving manufacturing efficiency. But how does this process work and why is it more efficient? Assembly sequencing helps car manufacturers and…
Jun 04/20 The Future of Automotive Marketing, Distribution, and Selling The automotive industry is a significant player in the global and American economies. In fact, it was a major contributor towards lifting America out of its last financial crash. But, despite that, this industry is long-known for its high costs and poor service, with…
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Click:路軌燈 London Irish owner Mick Crossan has criticised the governing bodies in England after the club filed for administration on Wednesday. The Exiles were suspended from competitions in England on Tuesday after a proposed takeover failed to be completed by the 4pm deadline. Crossan stated that administration was a “last resort” but that it was…