
Miss Ukraine 2018 forcée de rendre sa couronne, son combat contre Miss Monde

Une semaine seulement après son couronnement, Miss Ukraine 2018 s’est vue privée de son nouveau titre. Le 24 septembre 2018, Veronika Didusenko a été disqualifiée par le comité après avoir omis de dire qu’elle était une jeune maman divorcée. Deux statuts qui vont a l’encontre des règles du concours national, mais également de celles de Miss Monde.

, , , ` , ! @missukraine_official, , – @landik19 24/7, @ayten.novruzova, @zorianchuk, @katya_den, @veronica_v78, @kioseviktoriya : @mashaefrosinina, @aakucherenko, @nikolaytyshchenko, @vova_ostapchuk, @olgakharlan, @iusypchuk_bogdan @gorovaya_irina, @aysina_julia, @yuriy_tkach @kosadcha, @gorbunovyuriy ,, @polina.tkach : Miss Ukraine Earth @anastasiia_kryvokhyzha Miss Ukraine International @bogdana_tarasyk #missukraine2018

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My name is Veronika. Not such a long time ago I was wearing a crown of Miss Ukraine 2018, a crown which would allow me to represent my country at the Miss World contest in China. I wanted to tell the world a unique story of my country home of truly heroic and freedom-loving people. Yet, my right to represent my country on the global scene was taken away from me because of the rules written 70 years ago. The archaic rules which ban mothers from the Miss Ukraine contest. The discriminatory rules which were written when racial segregation was still the norm. Worldwide the number of girls who participate in this contest amounts to millions. Millions of women are allowed to participate only if they don’t have children. In 2018 this is simply not right. This discrimination on the grounds of motherhood must end. This indirect encouragement of abortion must end. I AM LAUNCHING A FUNDRAISING COMPAIGN to deliver this message globally. With your help I will take the fight for the abolition of this disgraceful prehistoric rule to every major global capital. Time to stand up for a women’s right not to be punished for being a mother. We must eliminate the last remaining rule which discriminates against women with children. #righttobeamother

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MY HEART Thank you @ilyaratman

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