
Josh Matthews Comments On GFW’s Rebrand, His New Company Role, More

– Impact Wrestling Voice Josh Mathews recently caught up with Brian Fritz for Sporting News to help promote Bound For Glory next week, check out the highlights below:

On welcoming the change to Impact Wrestling:

“It’s just an opportunity to get the brand and the shows out there. Being in Orlando, being in the Impact Zone is great, but when we’re there so much and we film so much content there, it feels nice to get out. When we were in India (earlier this year), that felt amazing. When we did ‘Bound for Glory’ in Charlotte a couple years ago, that was pretty cool.

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“(Orlando) is nice but it also breeds contempt. I just feel like it’s nice to get out of the Impact Zone for a little while.”

On his change from play-by-play commentator to color commentator:

“It’s been, I don’t want to say difficult but it’s certainly been a transition that I’ve had to work at probably harder than I’ve had to work at anything in my career in a while now on-air because you’re giving up the reigns to the show and becoming that sort of hybrid play-by-play, color commentator.

I think I can shed some light on certain things that are happening in the ring from an athletic standpoint. I think my tenure in the business alone helps with the credibility part.”

On the company’s rebrand as GFW:

“As it relates to ‘Bound for Glory’ and the TV’s that we’ll be taping in Ottawa, we’re bringing Impact. The brand Impact will be coming to Ottawa for ‘Bound for Glory’ and the brand Impact will be taping its television shows in Canada. What happens after that, I don’t know.

I thought we did a great job of getting rid of TNA. Anyone that’s listened to me closely call commentary, I never said TNA from the day I started here. It’s not something that as a 36-year-old man, I don’t want to go into a networking party and have somebody say where do you work and I tell them TNA. It’s stupid and it’s crass.”

On the future of the company:

“I’m more confident than ever that everything is going to work out,” said Mathews. “Instead of circling in the water, as long as we keep moving forward five, ten yards at a time forward, then I think we’re going to be OK and I think ‘Bound for Glory’ in Canada is a great step in that direction.

“The future to me looks bright unless (Anthem) decide to close the doors, which I don’t foresee happening.”

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