
Ronda Rousey On UFC’s Horsewomen in Wrestling, Her WWE Debut at Royal Rumble, Stephanie McMahon’s Stiff Slap

WWE star Ronda Rousey recently spoke with Yahoo Sports ahead of WrestleMania 34 and below are some interview highlights.

On UFC’s Four Horsewomen all pursuing wrestling careers:

The funny thing was that we never called ourselves the Four Horsewomen, the fans started calling us that. But I was looking at the girls one day and was like “Dude, we’ve gotten too many hints from the universe. We’re literally getting whacked over the head with this. We’d be willfully ignoring it if we didn’t follow the signs and pursue it.” I can’t say the words fate or destiny enough, but in hindsight, everything was leading to this point. It was the common theme throughout our whole lives. It was like looking back at “Fight Club” and being like “Oh my God! He was Tyler Durden the entire time!” That’s how our movie would play out except that our Tyler Durden was the WWE.

On her WWE debut at Royal Rumble:

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Well, my neck hurt from looking down for two days [laughs]. They had to walk me around in a hoodie looking down a lot. They put me in full-on Rapunzel mode where I couldn’t see anything or anyone. They had to deliver room service to somebody else’s room so delivery people wouldn’t see me. Leading up to the “Royal Rumble” they had to put me in a car that took me to a place where the rendezvous point was a bus. Then I got in the bus and it drove me somewhere else. It was some real Super Mario pipes and tunnels stuff going on. I just remember feeling that I just wanted to get outside and breathe some air. It was cramped. But I can’t describe what it’s like hiding your face and not interacting with anybody for days and then suddenly you walk out to this giant arena of people freaking out. Having that contrast made that moment so much more special.

Read Also: Stephanie McMahon Says She Has ‘Never Seen An Athlete Transition So Quickly into WWE’ As Rousey

On Stephanie McMahon’s stiff slap on WWE TV:

I’ve never been slapped before. Anybody who has ever been slapped tells me that it hurts more than you think. Man, when she hauled off and whacked me, my first thought was “Wow, that really hurt way more than I thought it would.” Everyone was right. Slaps suck and there was a loud noise followed by the crowd’s “Ooooh!” I didn’t see that coming at all.

Source :

Yahoo Sports

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