During a recent interview with SPN Action, the current Mr. Money In The Bank, Braun Strowman revealed who his best friend is behind the scenes. Below are some highlights with a H/T to Rajah.com for the transcriptions.
Who his best friend is:
“It’s tough to keep a friend when you throw them off of cages and smash their car, eat their cake and do everything else. Behind the scenes, I’m friends with everyone at work, but without a doubt, my best friend is Bray Wyatt. The man pretty much brought me into the industry when they tagged me up with The Wyatt Family it was my seventh match I’d ever had. I didn’t know the difference between a headlock and a beetle throw.
On why they are so close:
“Bray rode with me, showed me how to get around, how to book hotels, how to make the towns. Then he started helping me with learning how to wrestle and I will forever be indebted to him. He’s not my best friend, he’s my brother.”
On his Extreme Rules spot with KO:
“I had to show Kevin I was fed up with him. [Owens] running his mouth and running and being condescending treating friends how he treats them. It was time someone gave him a taste of his own medicine and I just had enough.”
SPN Action