
Rusev Claims That 99.9% Of The WWE Roster Feels Overlooked

WWE Superstars, Rusev and Lana recently spoke with The Express where the pair discussed being overlooked and getting a lack of title opportunities.

Lana on Rusev not getting enough title shots:

“I mean, Rusev should get more title opportunities,” she said. “He should be champion, that’s just the bottom line. He’s been there six years and he’s had one title opportunity, I had three. I’m not the Super Athlete, my first Singles Match was for the title. There’s no question if Rusev should be champion. That’s just a given, it’s true, we all know that he’s the best and #1.”

Rusev on WWE Superstars feeling overlooked:

“It’s not just us, 99.9 per cent of the roster feels overlooked because we’re all so good and we’re all so passionate,” Rusev said. “Everybody wants to be a champion and everybody can be a champion because we’re that good. It’s just that there’s only so many titles. You gotta find what sticks out, you gotta be different.

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“It doesn’t matter if [we hear]Rusev Day or Lana Day chants or whatever it is, the most hyped thing doesn’t make you a champion. There’s so many moving parts to become a champion, it’s beyond my head. Only Vince McMahon knows these things.”

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