
Triathlon training book giveaway

 James Beckinsale M.Sc, a BTF L3 High Performance Coach, has published his first book, The Triathlon Training Book.


Published by DK and priced £12.99 it covers all aspects of triathlon training from how to get faster, stronger and smarter to nutrition and choosing the right kit and equipment that will help you reach your goals.

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The layout is easy to use and follow, with clear illustrations – it should be a useful addition to ay athlete’s library, beginner or experienced, for every distance from sprint to Iron.

James is the founder of Optima Racing Team in London and has been training novice and elite athletes for 17 years, and has coached age-group triathletes to medal at World, European, and Ironman competitions. His website is www.optimaracingteam.com.

We have three of these books to giveaway and to be in with a chance of receiving one just tweet us @220Triathlon with the hashtag  #giveaway and we will pick three people at random on Tuesday 28 March2016 (you need to be aged 18 and a UK resident).T&Cs apply, see below.

Terms and conditions: Promoter: Immediate Media Company London Limited. The giveaway is open from 21-28 March 2016 and is open to UK residents aged 18 or over only – England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but not employees of the Promoter. One entry per person only. For a chance to win, follow the instructions above. Winners will be contacted by 5pm on 29 March 2016 via Twitter. Winners will have 2 days to send an email/Twitter message to claim their prize. If you do not contact us within this time we may offer the prize to another entrant. Entrants’ details will be used in accordance with Immediate’s Privacy Policy: http://www.immediate.co.uk/privacy-policy/. To find out who has won, please send an email to debbie.graham@immediate.co.uk within 2 months of the close of the competition.



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