
Chris Kanyon Comments On Being Interviewed For CNN’s Wrestling Documentary

– CNN has interviewed Chris Kanyon for their upcoming documentary on the wrestling business. The piece is set to air this fall. Below is what Kanyon wrote on his MySpace.com web site regarding the interview:

“CNN did a 2 hour interview with me last week for a 1-hour documentary they are doing on wrestling, steroids, Chris Benoit, drugs, death, etc. When they contacted me to do it, I wasnt sure that I wanted to because when it comes to those topics, a wrestler has 2 choices: #1 be honest and possibly really hurt the business of wrestling or #2 lie and protect the business. I still love wrestling and have tons of friends who still do it for a living. But, people are dying and Vince McMahon has done virtually nothing to stop it or at least slow it down. And I agree, it is not his job to baby-sit the wrestlers, but I do believe in Spiderman Morality: “with great power comes great responsibility.” It IS Vince’s responsibility to treat the wrestlers well and to treat them fairly. And because of the power he has attained through questionable methods at best, I feel it is his responsibility to really deal with the problems. Like I said, I talked for 2 hours. They have a lot of material. I may only be in the documentary for a few minutes. Depending on what they choose to air, Vince may legit want to kill me, I may appear to hate wrestling, I may appear bitter or mad. Or I may appear exactly the opposite. It should air in the next week or month….who knows. But it should be interesting whenever it does. I will keep you updated.”

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