
Cyber Sunday Flops Hard, Flair's Contract Expiring, Foley & Hayes Argue

source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

— Despite all the hype of WWE garnering 13,189,061 total votes for Cyber Sunday, the preliminary estimate has the show doing 191,000 pay-per-view buys, which would be the second lowest mark of the year, trailing only One Night Stand. Furthermore, Cyber Sunday drew only 118,000 buys from North America alone. This show featured Shawn Michaels’ big return and an Undertaker vs. Batista title match with Stone Cold, JBL or Mick Foley as the special guest referee. Last year’s show, which was built around the battle of World Champions, drew 226,000 total buys.

— Ric Flair recently agreed to terms with WWE on a new three-year deal that will run through 2010, but he has yet to actually sign the contract. His current contract expires on Tuesday, January 8, 2007.

— Mick Foley and Michael Hayes got into a major argument during a recent filming of the WWE Legends show for WWE 24/7. It is not known as to when it will air, but the subject matter concerns the Vince McMahon death angle from earlier in the year. Foley was adamant that the angle was in bad taste. Michael Hayes, one of the main people on the creative team, strongly argued in defense of the angle.

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