
Cherry Speaks Out On TNA, Sheik On Obama, Jarrett Says Bret Wasn't Screwed


–Press Release for 11/14/08

Tommy Fierro opens up Who’s Slamming Who this week looking at the Brock Lesnar UFC fight this coming weekend and how big it is for the wrestling business. He also looks at WWE signing Gail Kim and how this is a major plus for the WWE Womens Division. Tommy also looks at the apparent depature of Mike Adamle from the WWE. Some recent WWE PPV buy rates are also discussed in this opening segment.

Tommy talks about the recent WWE releases of Super Crazy, Chuck Palumbo, Paul London, Lena Yada, Elijah Burke, and Kenny Dykstra. He also talks about where these talents could end up at now that they are no longer with the WWE. Tommy also looks at the TNA Turning Point PPV and gives you his opinions on the event. Also discussed in this segment is Christian Cage’s future and whether or not he’s returning to the WWE.

Kenny Bolin joins the main show this week on Who’s Slamming Who to talk about Jim Cornette’s appearance on the main show from last week. Kenny tries to play it up that he didn’t listen to the Cornette segment but later admits that he heard a little of it. Tommy tells Kenny that he’s revealed everything to Cornette that Kenny has been saying about him. He tells Kenny that Cornette had Kenny’s segments burnt to a CD for him and how he’s listened to every segment he’s done on him these last few months. Kenny is not happy. Tommy also reveals that Jim Cornette will be returning to the main show this coming Monday. Kenny goes crazy and hangs up during the middle of the segment.

Former WWE Diva Cherry joins the main show this week here on Who’s Slamming Who to promote her upcoming match against TNA Knockout Roxxi on December 6th in Freehold, NJ at 3-2 Count Athletic Training Facility. Cherry talks about: How she first broke into the wrestling business, who trained her, how she first started out as a valet, how being a valet wasn’t enough for her and started training to become a wrestler, who her favorites were growing up, who she enjoys watching today, her thoughts on the TNA Knockout division, and much more.

Tommy talks about a ton of news going on in and around the world of professional wrestling over the last seven days, including: Ric Flair turning down New Japan offer, FCW TV update, Ric Flair reality show news, Randy Savage/Disney news, B. Brian Blair update, WWE Raw superstar purchases mansion, Saturday Night’s Main Event DVD news, WWE’s next movie project, Billy Graham selling on EBAY, Ivan Putski update, WrestleMania ticket sale news, Lex Luger update, Evan Bourne health update, Undertaker’s finishing hold given name, Tribute to the Troops news, ROH PPV preview, Johnny Devine set for WWE tryout, Ralphus update, AAA news, CMLL news, Low Ki/WWE update, RVD returning to the ring, Brian Gerwitz high on Goldust, former WWE Diva pregnant, and more.

Jerry Jarrett is back with another excellent episode of All Things Are Possible. This week, Jerry talks about how wrestlers are performers and how you have to remind them of what their final scene is going to be in your movie. He talks about how he considers Bret Hart one of the best talents ever but how he was wrong with how he handled the Survivor Series incident back in 1997. He talks about how Bret never really got double crossed and how he must be confused with what type of business he is in. He talks about Bret forgetting he was playing a role and how he was really not the champion of wrestling. He talks about if a wrestler doesn’t want to get killed in the final scene, that the wrestling business isn’t for them. Excellent, excellent segment.

This week on Make You Humble, The Iron Sheik takes an in-depth look at the next President of the United States of America, Barack Obama. Sheik also looks at what would have happenend if Sarah Palin would have been the first woman Vice President. Does Sheik put over Obama or does he make him humble? Tune in now to find out!

“Dr. Death” Steve Williams is back with another edition of Shoot Talk From Doc. This week, Dr. Death opens the segment looking back on his segment from last week talking about Great Muta killing off All Japan. He tells another story of how they paid Bill Goldberg $400,000 for 4 shows and how he couldn’t draw in Japan. He talks about how Goldberg couldn’t work Japan style. He then turns his attention to Brawl For All and gives his side of the story about how everything went down. He talks about how he was promised a 6 month run with Steve Austin if he won the entire thing. He talks about how Brawl For All was just a way for Vince to get his nuts off. He says this was the biggest flop in the world. He also talks about WWE wanting to put a mask on him, sending him to Japan and working for FMW, how he wouldn’t do it out of respect to All Japan and how he got fired because of it. Great stuff as usual from The Doc!

John Cena Sr. is heated up this week on You Can’t Hear Me. John starts off his segment bashing independent promotions that put on stupid gimmick matches just for the sake of doing so. He talks about how insulting these matches are and wonders why wrestlers would allow themselves be used that way. He says that it has to get back to wrestling. He then talks about Jim Cornette’s appearance on Who’s Slamming Who from last week and how Tommy Fierro handled it the wrong way. This week, everyone could hear John Cena Sr.

Rob Feinstein is back with an all new edition of Inside The Ring with RF Video. This week, Rob starts out talking about some of the recent WWE releases and gives you his opinions on them. He talks about Scott Hall appearing at TNA Turning Point PPV last week. He talks about being at the Night of Legends show in VA this past weekend and a classic meeting between Bobby Eaton vs. Marty Jannetty. He also talks about a new shoot interview he conducted with Marty and how it’s unlike any other interview Marty has ever done. He also talks about another new shoot interview he just conducted this past weekend with Colin Delany.

Bill Behrens is back with an all new episode of Inside The Behrens Bubble. This week, Bill takes a look at PPV names and how there are very few effective ones. He uses WrestleMania, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, and Cyber Sunday as key examples. He talks about how TNA using the word Final in their PPV name is not a good idea. Bill also talks about: Evan Bourne update, a Dean Malenko story, how less is more, great advice Terry Taylor gave, cutting promos, and more.

“The Assassin” Jody Hamilton returns with another edition of Wrestle This. This week, Jody looks in-depth at the reasons why WCW went out of business. Jody talks about Eric Bischoff never having an orginial idea in his life and how NWO wasn’t an original idea. He talks about how Hulk Hogan turning heel was the key factor in WCW being so popular. Jody also says that while WCW was running with the NWO, they were ever creating anything else in the meantime. This is a very interesting segment for anyone that wants an inside perspective of WCW.

Crowbar is back with another episode of Mind Bender. This week, Crowbar rakes your eyes to eat his steak. What the hell does that mean? Find out in this segment. This week, Crowbar talks about DDP’s YRG Workout and how it’s one of the best workouts he’s ever had. Crowbar is a physical therapist and looks at the workout from a physical therapist point of view, along with an exercise point of view.

“The Genius” Lanny Poffo is back once again with another Poetry in Motion. Lanny this week looks back at his favorite poem he ever did, which was when he proclaimed Randy Savage “The Macho King.” Lanny also talks about Jimmy Hart and how he’s one of the greatest minds ever in the wrestling business and how he’s always been a big fan of his.

Mike Modest is back with another entertaining edition of Modest’s Joint, the modern day Piper’s Pit of the Internet. Mike talks about a ton of different topics this week, including a new wrestling school he’s going to be opening soon, working with Chick Fight to help train women wrestlers, how great Roddy Piper is, how great Hogan vs. Piper was, John Anderson, Top 10 reasons why Jim Cornette is a saint, Top 10 scientifically proven facts about Mike Modest, E-Mails, and so much more. Be ready to be entertained.

Judas Young comes to you live from Amaretto, TX this week for another unpredictable edition of Tuck Your Chin. This week, Judas talks about going to Texas to find Danny Inferno and how he was unsuccessful in his attempts to track him down. He does however, track down many of the common people that live in this world. To say Judas is upset about these common people would be a major understatement. Judas talks about how everyone thinks they are a star in this world and why it’s time for a reality check. Brace yourselves common people, we suggest you tuck your chin.

Ace Darling goes off on independent promoters and wrestlers this week on No More Bumps. Ace begins his segment welcoming his long time friend Crowbar to Who’s Slamming Who. He talks about the mindsets of indie promoters and why it pisses him off so bad. He says that indie promoters today want to make indie wrestlers think they are Vince McMahon. He talks about how it’s the indie wrestlers that gives these promoters this power and how it has got to stop. He uses a Dino Sanna event with Bruno Sammartino from this past weekend as a perfect example of what he’s talking about.

The L-O-D-I is back with another edition of Lodi’s Licks. This week, Lodi wants to know if a monkey could be milked. No, we are not making this up. Lodi once again teases another appearance by the mysterious Spider Monkey. Once again, a no go. Lodi talks Obama, having a title belt, CWA event this weekend, sour towards current TV wrestling, and even planning his own 20 year high school reunion and then no showing it. Who does that?

Brian Solomon returns with an election themed Shut Up & Wrestle. This week, Brian looks back on past elections and remembers where he was during them. During the 2004 election, Brian was backstage at a Smackdown taping in St. Louis. He remembers standing next to Paul Heyman watching CNN and waiting to see who the next President of the United States was going to be. He also talks about how the Obama/McCain election was very much so like a pro wrestling angle. Could the higher ups be stealing some ideas for the rasslin’ business?!?!

Mike Quackenbush is back with another edition of From Bell To Bell. Mike this week talks about how wrestling announcers try and sell fans something that they see right through. Mike uses the Internet as an example of why wrestling fans are so smart today and get their information within a matter of minutes. He talks about how everyone saw through Tony Schiavone when he would say “This is going to be the biggest PPV of all times.” He talks about how a steel cage match or title match in the United States means very little today while a mask vs. mask match in Mexico is a huge deal.

This week on Breaking Gimondo, Danny Inferno tells a story about meeting Undertaker at OVW and how the Undertaker was pissed off at Danny. Undertaker visited OVW one day and Danny was late for his practice. Danny will tell you why he was late for the practice and how he gained Undertaker’s respect afterwards. He also talks about how he use to always hear John Morrison having sex, working with Koko B. Ware, writing a book, and working Kurt Angle on Smackdown. Very insightful segment this week by the host of Breaking Gimondo.

Allan Funk is back from his overseas tour and returns with Angry Allan Speaks Out. This week, Allan takes a look at some of the guys he was friends with in WCW and what they are doing today. He talks about Reno, Crowbar, Shawn Stasiak, Lenny Lane, Chuck Palumbo, Elix Skipper, David Flair, Mike Sanders, and Mark Jindrak. He also wonders why now a days in the wrestling business no one will help out their friends. The Funkster also stops in for a surprise visit to once again call out Danny Bonaduce.

LISTEN TO THE SHOW NOW: WhosSlammingWho.podomatic.com


Jim Cornette has finally listened to all of the segments Kenny Bolin has been doing on him these last few months. This Monday night on Who’s Slamming Who, Cornette returns to the main show to express his feelings on all of these attacks. To say Kenny Bolin is going to be in serious trouble come Monday night is a major understatement! Shit will HIT THE FAN this Monday night on Who’s Slamming Who.

John Cena Sr. will be joining the main show once again this Monday night on Who’s Slamming Who to preview next Sunday’s WWE Survivor Series PPV with Tommy Fierro. His son will be returning at this event to challenge Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship. What will Cena Sr. have to say about his son’s return to the ring? Find out this Monday night on Who’s Slamming Who!

Nunzio will be joining the main show of Who’s Slamming Who this Monday night to promote the upcoming Who’s Slamming Who wrestling event on December 6th in Freehold, NJ at the 3-2 Count Athletic Training Facility. Nunzio will be in action against Josh Daniels. For further information on the show you can E-Mail us at: info@fanslamwrestling.com

Sean Casey, first baseman for the Boston Red Soxs, will be making a very special appearance this Monday night on Who’s Slamming Who as a part of Allan Funk’s weekly segment, Angry Allan Speaks Out. Sean is a long time wrestling fan and is also a personal friend of Funk’s. We here at Who’s Slamming Who are very excited to have one of the greats in MLB today on our program.

Mike Kehner, former ECW original referee, will be debut a weekly segment on Who’s Slamming Who beginning this Monday night called 3 Count.

There will also be a few announcements regarding Who’s Slamming Who’s Seasons Beatings broadcast for December 22nd.

All of this and much more this Monday night on Who’s Slamming Who at 6 PM on: WhosSlammingWho.podomatic.com

WHO’S SLAMMING WHO LIVE EVENT: December 6th, 2008 at 3-2 Count Athletic Training Facility in Freehold, NJ with former WWE Diva Cherry vs. TNA Knockout Roxxi, Former WWE Superstar Nunzio vs. Josh Daniels, Danny Inferno vs. Judas Young in a Texas Death Match, Crowbar vs. Danny Doring, “Mr. Main Event” Ace Darling makes his managing debut, plus HC Loc, Jeff Starr, Bonecrusher Sampson, Mr. Personality, Flash, and more. There will also be a special appearance by Santa Claus. For more information, E-Mail: info@fanslamwrestling.com


CONTACT THE SHOW: info@fanslamwrestling.com

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