
*Spoilers* TNA iMPACT! Tapings Results For Next Monday (3/22)

Credit to JP Nichols and PWInsider.com for the following:

Dark Match:

Daniels defeated New Japan’s Kazuchika Okada with the Best Moonsault Ever.

Taped Xplosion:

Angelina Love defeated Madison Rayne.

Taped for Next Monday’s iMPACT:

Team 3D comes to the ring and get on the mic. They mention a poll on the TNA website to determine the most popular tag team and it was a tie between them and the Motor City Machine Guns. Team 3D challenged the Machine Guns for the title shot that the Machine Guns earned at Generation X and the Machine Guns accepted.

Motor City Machine Guns versus Team 3D goes to a No Contest. During the match, Chris Sabin accidentally knocked out referee Slick Johnson. Earl Hebner came out to replace Johnson and the match ended with a double pin. Devon had Sabin pinned while Shelley pinned Ray.

They show a video on the big screen of Hulk Hogan apologizing to Jeff Jarrett for what Eric Bischoff has done to him over the last few weeks. Hogan tells Jarrett to go out there and kick A.J. Styles’ butt tonight.

Jay Lethal walks into the office and Hogan and Lethal have what is described as a pretty funny interaction. Lethal was doing his Black Machismo gimmick with Hogan.

They do the opening for Impact and The Band comes to the ring and they are joined by Bubba the Love Sponge. Bubba calls the fans ‘marks’ and ‘sheep’. They say that Bubba fits with the Band because of what they do. Nash gets on the mic and he calls out Eric Young to apologize to him. Young comes to the ring and Nash says that what he did was not personal. Nash says that the six man tag match will not happen tonight. Nash offers Young a spot in The Band.

Young hits Nash, Hall, and Waltman and then he goes to choke Bubba but The Band attack Young and get the upper hand. Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy come to the ring and The Band leaves the ring.

Jeff Hardy announces to the crowd that the match will still happen and in honor of Lockdown, the match will take place inside a steel cage.

During this segment, Eric Young was getting a crowd reaction equal to Van Dam and Hardy.

Shannon Moore and Kazarian defeat TNA X Division Champion Doug Williams and Brian Kendrick when Moore pinned Kendrick after a leaping spinning neck breaker from the middle rope. After the match, Shannon Moore put make up on Kendrick.

D’Angelo Dinero comes out and he says that a moment that he has been waiting for his entire career was almost spoiled by A.J. Styles and Ric Flair. Despite their best efforts, he is alive and well. He says that Styles is a shadow in the streetlights and he is the godlight of TNA. Dinero tells Styles to get a spacesuit because at Lockdown he will take A.J. to the ‘outer limits’. Dinero says that A.J. may be ‘phenomenal’ but he will never be the Pope. When the smoke clears, the Pope will have not only arrived but he will be pimpin.

Chelsea comes to the ring and Dinero asks how he can help her. Chelsea says that there is one thing that he can help her with and that is to help her become a ho. Desmond Wolfe gets to the ring through the crowd but Dinero throws Wolfe out of the ring. Dinero then makes out with Chelsea in the ring and sets her on the mat. Dinero leaves some money in her cleavage before leaving the ring.

Orlando Jordan was hanging above the ring and was then lowered to the mat covered in yellow tape. Jordan crawls up the ramp and goes towards the announce table where something was set up. The crowd was chanting ‘that was creepy’.

Before anything could happen with Jordan, the thing set up for Orlando Jordan was taken down.

Jeremy Borash is in the back conducting an interview with Tara when Daffney attacked her. They brawl into the Impact Zone for their First Blood Match.

Tara defeats Daffney in a First Blood Match when Tara hit Daffney in the head with the tool box to cause Daffney to bleed. Daffney appeared to enjoy being busted open.

A.J. Styles defeats Jeff Jarrett with the Styles Clash. Ric Flair was ejected from ringside early in the match but he came back later in the match and distracted the referee. The referee was knocked out. Jarrett hit the Stroke from the second turnbuckle while the referee was out so there was no count. Eric Bischoff comes out with a guitar and he was going to hit Jarrett with it, but Jarrett stopped Bischoff. Styles hit Jarrett with a low blow and then got the win with the Styles Clash.

This was described as a good match.

Eric Bischoff is backstage with Jay Lethal and Lethal instructed Bischoff to come up with a main event-esque match. Bischoff has a match in mind and he tells Lethal to go to the ring.

Jay Lethal defeats Beer Money with a small package on Roode while Storm was not paying attention.

Desmond Wolfe defeats D’Angelo Dinero as a result of hitting Dinero with brass knuckles while Chelsea distracted the referee.

The cage is being set up for the main event.

Kurt Angle and Ken Anderson cut promos talking about their cage match at Lockdown. It was announced that there will be a ladder match between Anderson and Angle on next week’s Impact.

Eric Young, Rob Van Dam, and Jeff Hardy defeat The Band in a Steel Cage Match when Eric Young pinned Sean Waltman after an elbow drop from the top of the cage. The finish of the match saw Hardy hit a Swanton followed by a Five Star Frog Splash from Van Dam and finished with the elbow drop from the top of the cage.

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