
*Spoilers* WWE SmackDown Tapings Results For Friday

WWE taped Friday’s episode of SmackDown tonight from the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan. Here are full results:

The show opens with Ryback cutting a promo about not competing on WWE Raw and talks about John Cena and Team Hell No, leading to the first match of the show, Ryback vs. Daniel Bryan.

* Ryback defeated Daniel Bryan with the Shell Shock.

Ricardo Rodriguez cut a backstage promo hyping his victory on Raw.

* Fandango defeated Zack Ryder in a short match.

* Ricardo Rodriguez defeated Zeb Colter by disqualification. Jack Swagger interfered and attacked Ricardo. Alberto Del Rio get involved and makes the save. Teddy Long comes out and turns the brawl into a tag team match.

* Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter ended when Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston, who were at ringside, interfered in the match. Teddy Long comes out again and turned the match into a triple threat tag team match.

* Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter vs. Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston ends with Del Rio and Rodriguez picking up the victory via submission using the Cross armbreaker.

* Backstage segment where The Shield beat down an unknown person and cut a promo after. Once they left, it was revealed that the unknown person was Daniel Bryan.

* Randy Orton defeated Damien Sandow with the RKO. The Big Show comes out after the match and says Orton is not a team player. Sandow takes advantage of the distraction and attacks Orton.

Backstage, Kane is leaving the trainer’s room where Daniel Bryan is being examined. He says that he will make The Shield pay.

* Sheamus faced Mark Henry in an arm wrestling contest. Henry defeated Sheamus in the first round, but Sheamus wants a rematch and then hits Henry with a Brogue Kick.

* Dean Ambrose defeated Kane. Before the match Kane beat up all of the Shield members and threw Roman Reigns into the announce table. After the match, the Shield then gave Kane a three-on-one beating and a triple powerbomb. They stand over him and hold up the WWE Tag Team Championships to end the show.

* New Photo of KELLY KELLY Sunbathing Topless

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