
Rajah.com Mailbag – Edition #88

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From: Aaron Black Snake

hi here’s my question “can you have some one other then CEWSH and his kats
and kittens Answer the mailbox? The guy is a lousy sunday night play by play
reject out of a collect 10 stamps in participating cereal boxes .. point in
point the guy needs to be shot out of a cannon and into a wall that is 4FT

Cewsh: Well that all made sense and was in no way odd at all, so I think we’re going to have to honor your request. So with that said, please welcome our brand new addition to the Mailbag team, Tom B. Stone!

From: Justin Bourke

Do you think CM PUNK will ever be back or is his time with the company done?
It seems he is very self centered and could care less what the fans think.

Tom B. Stone: From all accounts, any dialogue between WWE management and CM Punk has completely fizzled out. He was tired of the grind of the road and fed up with how he was being booked. He and Vince McMahon became “text buddies” when they couldn’t sleep in the early hours of the morning so it’s possible there is still communication. I think some day he might return but it looks less likely with each passing day, week, month. He seems to have moved on and isn’t missing the crowds, the money and the politics.

From: Michael Casey

If you were to start your own wrestling promotion what would it be called
and what are the first 10 wrestlers would you sign….it can be from any
current wrestling promotion and who would you make the first world champ of
your promotion

Cewsh: Well when you name a wrestling company, you have to use a word that suggests the scope of your influence, like WORLD Wrestling Entertainment or GLOBAL Force Wrestling. Then you have to have the word wrestling in there somewhere, and then you need a third word that represents the fact that this is a reputable organization, either with the word “championship” or with a synonym for “company”. With all of that it mind, I would name my company World Championship Wrestling. It just has a nice ring to it.

As for who I would sign if I had access to EVERYONE, i’ll give you a serious answer:

John Cena
Daniel Bryan
AJ Styles
Alex Shelley
Kazuchika Okada
Shinsuke Nakamura
Adam Cole
Johnny Gargano
The Young Bucks

From: Sundeep9996

Was Eddie Guerrero suppose to win the world heavyweight title from Batista
had he not died and do you think rey mysterio only got a push because he

Tom B. Stone: Yes, Eddie was due to win the World Title when he suddenly passed away. Given the storyline in early 2006 from the Royal Rumble to WrestleMania, and how poorly he was booked afterwards, I think it’s reasonable to say Rey Mysterious only got a push because Eddie died.

From: Aaron

I was wondering what you thought the wrestlemania 30 card might have looked
like had punk not left. Would Daniel Bryan still be in the main event? Would
undertaker have fought brock?

Cewsh: If I had to guess, I would say that Punk probably would have faced Kane in a one on one match. I don’t think it would have had any impact on the Taker/Lesnar match at all, as that was likely set in stone months before Punk even left.

From: Gavin Jones

1.)I read around that the Undertaker had a cancer scare around 2011 and that
was the reason he returned with his hair short…. is this true or did the
Undertaker just cut it?

2.)I know he retired recently and hates Vince McMahon, but I recently saw a
youtube video that had Jim Cornette say he has “grown to appreciate”
Vince….. Would this mean that there is still that slim chance of him
returning to WWE

Tom B. Stone:
1. The Undertaker did not and does not have cancer. He just decided to cut his hair.
2. Jim Cornette has not retired; he left Ring Of Honor in late 2012 and just hasn’t got back in the business. I could see him going into the WWE Hall Of Fame and maybe doing some Network stuff but that’s about it.

From: jd

as someone ask you before about if there are anymore gay wrestlers in wwe.
can you tell us who they are ? and if sheamus is gay?

Tom B. Stone: I don’t know and I don’t care. Why does someone’s personal life matter to you? I’m certainly not going to start guessing who in WWE might be gay.

From: Jon

Off all the terrible matches WWE have ever put on The Rock Vs The British
Bulldog in a dog poop match must be the worst by far.

Question…. was the poop real?

Cewsh: As far as I can ascertain, yes, it was. How they got it and from where is up to your imagination.

From: Nick

I was just wondering your view on The Rock making another return to the
company, if so, when do you think it will be? I haven’t seen him live yet.

Cewsh: I suspect that we will see the Rock come back when the match is big enough to warrant it. He came back to wrestle Cena, because that was a match big enough to bring him back. So just hope that Daniel Bryan reaches that point.

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