
WWE RAW Results – June 27, 2016

This week’s episode of WWE RAW airs live from the Amalie Arena in Tampa, Florida. Stars advertised for tonight’s show include Dean Ambrose, John Cena, AJ Styles, and Seth Rollins.

– Seth Rollins comes out to the ring with a mic to open the show. Rollins says Reigns’ mistake he made that got him suspended soils Seth Rollins’ good name. Rollins mocks Reigns’ apology he wrote on Twitter about the Wellness Policy suspension, and says he owns Reigns. Dean Ambrose interrupts and says as far as he’s concerned, the triple threat match at Battleground is still on. This brings out AJ Styles, who says says the match should remain a triple threat and he should get the spot. The three argue until John Cena comes out and says he deserves Reigns’ spot. Stephanie McMahon comes out and says Rollins has to face John Cena tonight, and AJ has to face Dean Ambrose. If Cena and AJ can win, they’ll be added to the title match at Battleground. Stephanie wishes good luck to everyone except Dean.

– Paige & Sasha Banks def. Dana Brooke & Charlotte: RAW cuts to commercial shortly after the bell. Back from the break, Dana is working on Paige up against the ropes. Charlotte gets the tag and continues the offense until Paige hits a kick to the midsection. Sasha and Brooke get the tags and Sasha hits some knee strikes in the corner for a 2 count. After a brief distraction by Charlotte, Sasha hits the backstabber and the Banks Statement for the win.

– Titus def. Rusev : Titus gets in all the offense in the opening moments and hits a spinning powerslam for a 2 count. Rusev comes back with a kick and a series of elbows on Titus. Titus tries to mount a comeback but Rusev drops him with a spinning heel kick. Rusev goes to the outside and Titus follows, they collide with a double clothesline then Titus throws Rusev over the fan barricade and wins via countout.

– Stephanie is on the phone in the back and gets interrupted by Kane. The Miz and Maryse walk over to complain about not being treated like stars, and Kane says The Miz should be more concerned with defending his IC Title. She says his opponent will be a surprise.

– Seth Rollins def. John Cena: Both men are cautious in the opening moments until Rollins hits a kick to the midsection and beats down Cena. Rollins hits a dropkick for a 2 count, but Cena comes back with a dropkick of his own. Rollins hits an elbow and the Blockbuster neckbreaker off the top for another 2 count. Cena comes back and goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Rollins kicks him in the face and sends Cena rolling out of the ring. Back in the ring, Cena hits a couple back suplexes and the Five Knuckle Shuffle for a 2 count. Rollins comes back with a superkick for a 2 count of his own. Cena hits a tornado DDT off the middle rope, and Rollins comes back with a powerbomb on Cena into the turnbuckles. Rollins goes for a frogsplash off the top but Cena rolls out of the way. Cena goes up top, but Rollins catches him with a suplex and a Falcon Arrow for another near-fall. Rollins attempts a Pedigree, but Cena gets out and comes back with an Attitude Adjustment, but Rollins gets his foot up on the ropes to break the pin. Rollins avoids another AA attempt, but Cena gets him in the STF instead. AJ and The Club come out and distract Cena, which leads to Rollins hitting the Pedigree for the win.

– Enzo & Cass def. Unknown jobbers: Enzo instructs the crowd to start doing the wave as soon as the bell rings. Very shortly after the bell, they hit the Bada Boom for the win.

– After the match, The Social Outcasts comes out to confront Enzo and Cass. They hit the ring and Cass sends Heath Slater to the floor with a big boot. The Outcasts retreat and Enzo and Call call them soft.

– In the latest segment with Darren Young and Bob Backlund, Backlund says they are going to usher in the Darren Young Era in WWE.

– Becky Lynch vs. Summer Rae – No contest?: Natalya is on commentary for this one. Cole asks her why she attacked Becky Lynch twice, and Natalya says “enough is enough and it’s time for a change.” Before the bell, Becky attacks Natalya at ringside until the referee breaks it up.

– Jericho comes out to host The Highlight Reel with Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Zayn says he wants to put an end to this rivalry with Owens at Battleground once and for all because it’s holding them back in their careers. They argue about who ruined their friendship and why Owens first turned on Zayn, and Owens agrees to a match at Battleground. Jericho agrees with Owens that Sami Zayn is a terrible friend, and says he wants to slap Zayn’s “stupid idiot face.” Jericho starts putting himself over too much and Owens and Zayn both lay him out with superkicks. Owens leaves the ring.

– Demon Kane def. The Miz via countout: The Miz’s IC Title is on the line in this one. Kane starts off with a big boot and goes for a chokeslam but The Miz escapes. The Miz starts working on Kane but Kane drops him with another big boot and works on him in the corner. Kane hits a side slam for a 2 count, then follows up with a suplex and a dropkick for another near-fall. Kane uppercuts The Miz and goes for a chokeslam, but Maryse distracts him and the ref from ringside. Maryse sells an ankle injury on the floor and The Miz gets himself counted out by bringing her to the back.

– In the back, Maryse reveals she faked her injury and The Miz says it was an award winning performance.

– Cesaro & Apollo Crews def. Sheamus & Alberto Del Rio: Apollo starts things off on the offensive against Del Rio, and he quickly tags in Cesaro who hits a cross body off the top for a 2 count. Sheamus runs in which leads to Del Rio getting the upper hand with a series of kicks. Del Rio goes for a stomp in the corner and Sheamus tags himself in before he hits it. Sheamus hits a knee and the Irish Curse backbreaker for 2. Apollo and Del Rio get the tags. Del Rio throws Apollo to the outside, then kicks his own partner Sheamus in the head. Del Rio walks to the back and Crews starts working on Sheamus at ringside. Back in the ring, Crews hits the spinning sit out powerbomb on Sheamus for the win.

– Dean Ambrose is in the back for an interview when Stephanie McMahon walks in. She says she’s appalled by Ambrose being the face of WWE, but Ambrose says deep down she really likes him.

– The New Day comes out dressed as The Wyatt Family. They cut a promo saying the Wyatts need a bowl of Booty-O’s. The lights cut out and the Wyatt Family comes out to interrupt. Bray says the world isn’t made up of rainbows and unicorns. Bray says Xavier is doubting what his partners are saying, and it cuts to black.

– In the back, Renee Young interviews the New Day. Big E and Kofi say messing with the Wyatts is a great idea, but Xavier walks away.

– Dean Ambrose def. AJ Styles: Seth Rollins is on commentary for this one, and the champion enters first. Ambrose and Styles lock up and Ambrose gets the upper hand in the opening moments. AJ comes back with a dropkick, then a series of elbows and a splash in the corner for a 2 count. Ambrose comes back with a fisherman suplex for a near-fall of his own. Ambrose hits a double underhook suplex off the top. Ambrose avoids a Phenomenal Forearm and a splash in the corner, but starts selling a knee injury. AJ gets him in the Calf Crusher but Ambrose gets out. Ambrose throws AJ to the outside then hits a suicide dive through the ropes. Back in the ring, AJ hits the Pele kick but Ambrose comes right back with a clothesline. The Club comes out and distracts Ambrose. AJ hits the brainbuster for a 2 count. Cena comes out and lays out Gallows and Anderson, then Ambrose hits the Dirty Deeds on AJ for the win.

– Gallows and Anderson attack Cena from behind on the outside, and Rollins attacks Ambrose from behind in the ring and hits a Pedigree. Styles, Gallows and Anderson beat down Cena on the ramp and they hit the Magic Killer on the top of the stage. Back in the ring, Rollins hits another Pedigree on Ambrose. Rollins and The Club celebrate separately to close out the show.

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