
WWE '205 Live' Results (2/28/17) – Six-Man Tag Match, Neville/Gallagher

Report by: Andrew Hatcher, rajah.com reporter

Hello again wrestling fans!! Welcome to another edition of Drew’s Reviews, where we have a whole bunch of fun stuff to get to! With that said, the wait is over, and the latest review of 205 live is here! But before that, it’s this weeks RAW Rebound. Enjoy.


Akira Tozawa vs Noam Dar

A pretaped video package aired before the match started. Kendrick said he tried to make Tozawa an offer, but Tozawa refused, and some clips of Kendricks “lessons” to Tozawa were shown on screen. Kendrick ended by saying to Tozawa “I hope you’re learning your lessons”. Noam Dar made his way to the ring with his girlfriend Alicia Fox. The two tied up to start the match, and went into the corner. Tozawa went for a quick roll up attempt, followed by a standing senton. Tozawa went for another pin attempt, and both guys got back up. They started to exchange chops, and Tozawa faked out Dar, blasting him to the mat. Dar would make his way back up, and whip tozawa into the corner, where Alicia Fox caused a distraction. Dar went to work on the leg of Tozawa, and started taking control of the match. Tozawa started fighting out, butt Dar kept him down. They got back upo again, and Tozawa knocked Dar out of the ring. Tozawa put Dar back inside, and went to the top rope. He missed the move, but rolled through, before delivirng a snap suplex for the 1-2-3.
Analysis: The match was done so WWE could tell you about a tag team match at Fastlane. I think it is very nice that the event will feature two matchups from within the division, even if one isn’t a straight up singles match between Kendrick and Tozawa. There was more fuel thrown on the fire in Tozawa and Kendrick’s fued, as Kendrick showed strong heel tactics once again. That’s about all there is to take from this.

Jack Gallagher and TJ Perkins vs Neville and Tony Nese

After a backstage segment where Neville told Nese not to screw things up, the match got underway with TJP taking on Neville. Neville would pin Perkins to the ground with his knee, all the while mocking one of Gallagher’s poses. Neville tagged in Nese, who went for a roll up on Perkins. After a kickout, Gallagher made his way into the ring, and nearly found himself suplexed in the corner by Nese. Gallagher reversed, and tried a roll up of his own. Neville tried to interfere, but got caught with a headbutt that sent him to the outside. Gallgher would then apply a submission to Nese, and Nese tapped out as Neville stood by.
Analysis: This segment got a little messy. The reason for that is because the cruiserweights just simply do not get enough time to make anything happen on RAW. Neville could have saved Nese, but he just kinda stood their a stared angrily at Gallagher. We kinda knew that Neville and Nese wouldn’t get along after seeing the previously mentioned backstage segment, and they didn’t, so at least there was kind of a story to the match, besides a guy from each team hates a guy on the other team.

… And now, Drew’s Reviews!

The show starts off with a video package recapping the tag team match on RAW where the team of Neville and Tony Nese took on TJ Perkins and Jack Gallagher. Tom Phillips just appeared on the screen with jack Gallagher. He asks about Neville’s Fastlane address, and Jack Gallagher sats when the king meets him at Fastlane, the winner will noit be who Neville thinks it will be. The show opening video and pyro display was shown on, and the announce team of Mauro Ranallo, Austin Aries, and Corey Graves welcomed us to the show. They talked about the WWE Cruiserweight Championship match, as well as Nevilles Fastlane address. It was also noted that Austin aries will ask someone more questions. After that, Noam Dar made his way to the ring, and the first match is up next.

Noam Dar vs Lince Dorado

The announcers talked about the upcoming Fastlane preshow match that will see Noam Dar and The Brian Kendrick take on Rich Swann and Akira Tozawa. The two shook hands before the match, then tied up once the bell rang. Dorado with a rollup attempt immediately, and then a spinning kick, followed by another pin attempt by Dorado with a cross body. Dorado would chop Dar to the ground, as some guy made his way to the announcers table to deliver flowers to Alicia Fox. Dar would lure dorado into the corner from there, before deliving a huge move for a nearfall. Dar would start to take control of the match, and strat to go to work on the arm of Dorado. Dar, now fully in control, would apply the rear chinlock onto Dorado, as Rich Swann is shown in the backstage area. Dorado with a jawbreaker to escpae, followed by a tiltowhirl backbreaker. Dorado stayed in control with a hurricarana, then a belly to belly suplex with a kip up. Dorado then hit the springboard stunner for the 1-2-NO! Dorado went to the top rope, but missed and rolled through, before catching a soccer style kick to the shin. Dar would follow that up with a massive kick to the side of “The Golden Lynx” head for the 1-2-3. After the match, Dar got on the mic, and bragged about giving Alicia Fox flowers even though he didn’t.

Analysis: Wow! I really thought Lince Dorado would win on that springboard stunner. What a move! It made sense to have Dar win the match, because he has a match at Fastlane. The guys had a fairly competitive matchup, and Dar continues to look good. Seriously, with the time given, I truly believe that they guy could have a good match with anyone. Future Cruiserweight champion? This guy thinks so.

Back from commercial, Austin Aries is in the ring. He introduced Akira Tozawa, who made his way out to the ring in his gear. Aries jokingly says Tozawa doesn’t have to run, because we have time. A video aired recapping The Brian Kendricks offer to Tozawa to be a protégé, and Aries asked why Tozawa declined. Tozawa said he wants to make it on his own, and then more video footage of the “lessons” Kendrick has been teaching Tozawa in recent weeks. Aries asked what Tozawa plans to do about it, and he says “he wants to fight right now”. Kendricks music played, and he came out to say he has some questions for tozawa. Like what makes you think ill fight on your terms. He said hes the man with the plan and he foghts under his own terms. Kendrick asked what makes tozawa think he doesn’t need his help. Kendrick says tozawa is a brat who turned down a golden opportunity. Kendrick asked tozawa what makes him think he wants to fight Tozawa right. He then asks what makes him think he can get away with the way he insulted Kendrick. Tozawa started to get heated, but Kendrick sdaid lesson 4 is if you wanna talk to me, learn English first, and then ripped on Minnesota. Kendrick would then leave, as Tozawa looked on angrily.

Analysis: Things continue to boil over between Kendrick and Tozawa, and a part of me feels that things are only just getting started. You know, I would never wish injury on anyone, but maybe Tajiri getting hurt was a sign that the guys in the back were planning on Kendrick working with the wrong Asain wrestler. Tozawa looks great as the rookie who dealing with a veteran so to speak. Good stuff here all around.

Up next, a six man tag team match.

Tony Nese, Drew Gulak, Ariya Daivari vs TJ Perkins, Mustafa Ali, and Cedric Alexander

Mustafa Ali and Tony Nese start the match with a tie up, followed by Nese spiking Ali in to the mat. The two tied up again, and wrestle their way into the corner, Ali would then whip Nese into the opposite corner. Alexander would make his way into the match, and go to work on Tony Nese, before tagging in TJP. Perkins went for a pin attempt, and Ali came back into the match. Ali would continue to work on the arm of Nese, then tag in perkins again. Nese reversed a move, but found himself in a cross armbreaker that was broken up by daiviari. Two of the heels would then get caught on the outside of the ring. The face guys started to jump on them, but TJP got caught by Nese who was on the opposite side of the ring. Nese went for a pin attempt that failed, but he tagged in Daivari who came in, and made a pin attempt on Perkins, followed by another. Drew Gulak made his way into the match, and applied the gory special to TJP. Daivari would tag Gulak in the meantime, and then go to work on Perkins, deliver a shortarm clothesline, and try to pin Perkins yet again. Perkins kicked out, but Daivari remained in control of the match. Perkins hit a mule kick on Daivari to get out of the hold Daivari had on him, followed by a hot tag to Mustafa Ali. Ali picked up the pace, and hit the roll through neck breaker on Gulak. Ali attempted the inverted 450 twice, before getting caught with a human torture rack, and driven back first into the mat. Alexander came in but got sent out by Daivari, who was sent out by TJP. TJP then got caught with a cartwheel into a superkick by Nese. Back in the ring, Gulak went for the win on Mustafa Ali. Gulak found himself in position for the inverted 450 splash, which Ali hit, but Davari put the foot of Gulak on the rope mid count. Gulak would then hit a big move on Ali, who had no one in his corner at this time. Perkins came back in and delivered a detenation kick, followed by Alexander with a move to knock Daivari out of the ring. TJP would then get caught up in the corner, where he found himself on the receiving end of the Running Nese. Nese would then cover him for the 1-2-3.

Analysis: Well that was certainly entertaining! The match itself was kinda iffy, but overall, the match was entertaining. I was also thoroughly impressed by Mustafa Ali once again. I also love how Tony Nese got to pick up the win for his team! Man, you guys are going to think im playing favorites soon.
Austin Aries said this next person is great in the ring, and on the mic. It’s a video of himself again.

Analysis: One day Ill learn that Aries likes to talk about himself. He hyped big news, and delivered… Himself… Again. Cant wait to see his debut though!

Neville Addresses Fastlane

Neville’s pyro went off, and the “King Of The Cruiserweights” and WWE Cruiserweight champion made his way to the ring. Once in the ring, Neville said “It Appears before Fastlane, all of you are in need a bit of a history lesson”. He said 205 live was made for the greatest cruiserweights in the world, but you all forgot about Neville. He says he changed the landscape of 205 live, and only got resentment. He said he saved 205 live from “Anarchy”. Neville says the fans had rather cheer for Jack Gallagher than him, even tho Gallgher isn’t on his level. “Therefore it is you(wwe universe) that bares the burden of his fate”. At Fastlane he is going to obliterate Jack, and have a public execution of Gallagher. Jack Gallaghers music played, and he made his way to the ring with his umbrella. Gallagher got in the ring, and he and Neville starred at each other. Gallagher said he likes history lessons, but this is a meltdown,and then Gallagher offered Neville tea and biscuits, as the WWE universe chanted tea and biscuits. Neville said I want to leave you in one piece for Sunday, but if you keep pushing me im going to do it tonight. Neville asked Gallgher to see himself out of “his” ring, and Gallgher asked if he heard Neville right. Gallagher said this will never belong to you, this belongs to the wwe universe. Gallagher said if you have a problem with his character, then its time for Neville to leave. Gallagher attacked Neville, but Neville would counter, and start to stomp Gallagher. Neville started to heat all the way up, but got caught with two dropkicks, a headbutt, and an attempted running drop kick in the corner. Neville slid out of the ring to avoid it, but got caught with the kick on the outside of the ring, sending him into the WWE Universe.

Analysis: Man Neville really hates Gallagher for being a friendly Britt! I thought it was hilarious when Gallagher offered Neville tea and biscuits to help him cope with his “meltdown”. I also really like how Gallagher brought the fight to Neville before Neville could bring it to Gallagher. At the end of it all, Gallagher looked really strong heading into Fastlane, but unfortunately for him, he wont be leaving there as WWE Cruiserweight champion.

Send all comments & feedback to: andrewhatcher45@gmail.com

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