
WWE SmackDown Results (3/28): Last Stop Before WrestleMania 33

The March 28th edition of WWE SmackDown aired live on the USA Network from The Coliseum in Richmond, VA, and was the go-home show for WrestleMania 33 on Sunday.

– Daniel Bryan is out to the ring to kick off the show with a contract signing. He asks the crowd if they’re ready for WrestleMania, then introduces Shane McMahon and AJ Styles. Shane and AJ both sit down at the table in the ring, and Shane cuts a promo about how AJ was always part of their vision for SmackDown. Shane puts over AJ as one of the greatest talents in the business, but that his ego and arrogance has gotten out of control. Shane says he expects to win at WrestleMania and signs the contract. AJ signs next, then talks about how this is a traditional match and not the kinds of hardcore matches Shane had previously. Styles says he’ll embarrass McMahon at WrestleMania, then pushes the table aside. AJ and Shane come face to face but Daniel Bryan pulls them apart. Bryan says he wants to seal the deal with a handshake, but AJ declines and leaves.

– Luke Harper takes on Bray Wyatt later tonight.

– We see Becky Lynch walking backstage, and Carmella walking with James Ellsworth backstage. They’re in singles action next.

– Carmella def. Becky Lynch via DQ: James Ellsworth is out first to give Carmella a special ring introduction. Mickie James and Alexa Bliss are both on commentary. Carmella spits out her gum and gives it to Ellsworth before the match. Just moments into the match, Alexa and Mickie get into it at ringside. The ringside brawl spills into the ring. Mickie hits Carmella and the ref rings the bell. Becky drops Carmella with a t-bone suplex, then Mickie drops Alexa with a spinning heel kick. Mickie and Becky come face to face and point at the WrestleMania sign, then we go to commercial.

– Mickie James & Becky Lynch vs. Carmella & Alexa Bliss: This one was made into a tag match during the commercial break. Shortly after the match starts, Alexa and Carmella are alright in-fighting. Mickie hits a series of kicks on Carmella, then boots Alexa off the apron. Carmella drops Mickie with an elbow to the face and tries to keep her grounded. Alexa tags in and continues the offense on Mickie. Natalya’s music hits and she comes out to ringside to interrupt and join the commentary team. Natalya hits Becky from ringside which leads to Carmella getting the pin. After the match, Naomi runs in and hits a Frankensteiner on Natalya on the ramp. Naomi hits the ring and lays out the heels before getting on the mic. Naomi says she has been medically cleared and she’ll be entering the Women’s Title match at WrestleMania.

– Tyler Breeze, dressed as Nikki Bella, approaches Daniel Bryan backstage and tries to enter the Women’s Title match at WrestleMania. Fandango walks in and they complain about not being on the WrestleMania card, so Daniel Bryan puts them in a 10-man tag match where the winners will enter the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

– We see an anti-smoking PSA featuring AJ Styles and Natalya.

– Back from commercial, The Miz and Maryse come out to introduce their latest Total Bellas parody. On this edition of “Total Bella Bulls***” The Miz continues to allude that Cena uses cue cards on the show and that Cena won’t marry Nikki Bella. This edition pokes fun at Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella, and ends in a cliffhanger of “Nikki” asking “John” to marry her. Back from commercial break, The Miz introduces the conclusion of the episode, which features “Cena” telling her “I do… never want to marry you” because it would tarnish his brand. The Miz says that Cena only loves himself and people “can’t see” him because there’s nothing worth seeing. The Miz breaks out of his “Cena” character and says to the camera that he’s going to end Cena at WrestleMania on Sunday. After the parody clip ends, the real Cena and Nikki come out. Cena says The Miz was right about some things, but other things couldn’t be further from the truth. Cena tells The Miz the only movies he’s been in are crappy bootlegs of ones he’s already made. Cena says The Miz begged WWE to hire Maryse again so he could be on Total Divas. Cena calls them gutless cowards, and challenges The Miz and Maryse to come at him and Nikki. The Miz takes his jacket off but ends up leaving up the ramp with Maryse. Nikki calls them haters as they’re walking away and says they’re coming to kick their ass on Sunday.

– American Alpha, Rhyno & Slater, and Mojo Rawley def. Dolph Ziggler, The Usos, and The Fashion Police: This one starts off with Ziggler and Jordan, who trade dropkicks and suplexes. Gable gets the tag and tries to keep Ziggler grounded. Rhyno is in next and he continues the offense on Ziggler with a belly to belly suplex. Rhyno goes for a Gore but The Fashion Police pull Ziggler outside for the save. The Usos and American Alpha participate in the majority of the next few minutes, trading offense and tags. Mojo and Tyler get the hot tags and Mojo starts dropping him with running shoulder blocks. There’s a series of members of each team running in the ring and throwing or superkicking each other to the outside. Rhyno drops Ziggler with a Gore, then Mojo gets the pin on Breeze for the win.

– Luke Harper cuts a promo in a dark room with one dim light bulb. He tells Wyatt that this time, he’s the one who should run.

– Bray Wyatt def. Luke Harper: Harper dominates the opening moments and takes Wyatt out to ringside early on. Harper hits a splash on Wyatt up against the fan barricade, then throws him down by the timekeeper’s area. We go to commercial and when we come back, Wyatt has taken control of the match after a superplex. Harper fights back, but Wyatt drops him again and hits a Senton splash. Wyatt goes to follow up with the Sister Abigail, but Harper reverses into a Sister Abigail attempt of his own. Wyatt escapes and rolls out to ringside. Harper follows up with two consecutive suicide dives onto Wyatt at ringside, and the second one sends Wyatt falling over the announce table. Back in the ring, Harper follows up with a springboard senton for a two count. Wyatt goes for another Sister Abigail, but Harper escapes and drops Wyatt with two forearm strike for a near-fall. Harper and Wyatt lock eyes and Harper pauses for a moment before attempting a discus clothesline. Wyatt blocks it and hits the Sister Abigail for the win. As Bray is celebrating in the ring, Randy Orton appears on the big screen. He says he’s back at Wyatt’s building he burned down. Orton says there’s no salvation for Bray, an says when he drives a cross into the ground it will seal Bray’s fate and end his reign. Orton slams the cross into the ground, and the screen cuts to an image of a snake before SmackDown goes off the air.

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