
Update on the Situation Between the Hardys, Anthem & "Broken" Trademarks

— As we have seen over the last couple of days, the Hardys vs. Anthem Sports legal situation seems to have flared up again with Matt first commenting that a deal was imminent, followed by Jeff Jarrett stating that the trademarks still belong to GFW/Anthem and finally, an explosion on Twitter by Reby Hardy who claimed that the two sides had an agreement in place last week.

— According to a report at PWInsider, it seems what Reby is suggesting is actually true and the two parties agreed in principle to a deal that would enable the Hardys to use the gimmick moving forward.

— Both sides would have then released a statement wishing each other the best in the future and under terms of the deal, would cease publicly speaking on the matter or on each other. It is believed that Anthem was to receive some sort of payment in exchange for the trademarks. WWE was not involved in the negotiations in any capacity.

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— Hardy’s lawyer is the one who drafted up the agreement and sent it to Anthem’s Ed Nordholm with the expectation that it would be promptly signed but several weeks have gone by with no response or even an indication that the deal was actually going to be signed. Reportedly, Nordholm has told at least one person that the agreement he got was not what they had verbally agreed to and since then, no communication has taken place.

— The belief is that if Nordholm does not sign the agreement or at the very least re-initiate discussions, the Hardys’ only recourse will be to file a lawsuit citing breach of contract from the Dixie Carter days.

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