
Jimmy Jacobs Talks More About His WWE Release, Whether He Sensed It Coming

As noted, former WWE writer Jimmy Jacobs appeared as a guest on Live Audio Wrestling over the weekend. Below are some additional highlights from the interview.

On his reaction to his WWE release: “I’m really not sweating much of any of it. I’m not sweating any of it. The WWE is not a final destination for anybody. The living, breathing, moving organism machine is a place where you drop by; had a great 2 and a half years, did some pretty fun stuff, but I’m excited to do other things in my life now. Six months ago was a crazy time. If you asked me 2 and a half years ago when I started with WWE, I would have said absolutely told you final destination, for sure. Six months ago, no.”

On gaining a new appreciation and perspective for life outside of WWE: “I had a great time working for WWE, but a lot of things happened in my life, and working there was a cool experience but WWE is great, but it’s not the end all, be all in the world. You dedicate eighteen years of your life to something thinking that WWE is the mecca of something; in our business it is the top draw, that is where the money is made and most fans see. Guys would leave WWE or quit WWE voluntarily I used to think; what are you doing? There’s nothing else out there, WWE is it; but then when you work there you realize that there is other things out there, and I grew an appreciation for my time on the independents for the guys that go out there as independent wrestlers and what they are doing, and it really gave me a perspective for my time in the business, and a perspective for my time in life.”

On whether or not he sensed his WWE release coming: “I didn’t sense it, but i was ready to be me again regardless of circumstance. If they weren’t going to fire me I was going to walk in there with my ears pierced, with my hair; there’s a certain way things are done there, but it’s nice to have my freedom back by painting my fingernails, piercing my ears; it’s like the Zombie coming out of the grave again. Jimmy Jacobs is back from the dead.”

Check out the complete Jimmy Jacobs interview from Live Audio Wrestling at FightNetwork.com.

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