
WWE NXT TV Tapings (Spoilers) From Full Sail University

Dark match —

– Dominik Dijakovic defeated Marcel Barthel
Dijakovic used a Torture Rack into a knee strike for the win. The crowd had fun heckling Barthel with “Nein” chants.

NXT TV tapings —
– Johnny Gargano made his way to the ring with a crutch to tell us that he let us down. He said he became Tommaso Ciampa. William Regal then came to the ring to ask Gargano if he was the person who attacked Aleister Black. Gargano said to look in his eyes, Regal asked again, and Velveteen Dream’s music hit.

Dream called Gargano a failure before Gargano said he only had the crutch to keep weight off his knee for a few days. He threw the crutch at Dream as Regal kept them apart and told them to go to the back.
– Dakota Kai defeated Aliyah
The crowd loved Aliyah tonight. She dominated the match until Kai hit her running corner kicks and the sunset flip backstabber for the win.
– Lars Sullivan destroyed Raul Mendoza
Sullivan destroyed him without there being a match. Sullivan said he didn’t attack Aleister Black, but he did attack EC3 backstage for speaking his name (EC3 accused Sullivan of being the attacker in a post-TakeOver interview).

– Keith Lee defeated Luke Menzies
This was the television debut of Menzies, who is a former UK rugby player. The crowd adored Lee, and he soaked up the adoration all match before winning with the Spirit Bomb.

– Adam Cole & Roderick Strong (w/ Kyle O’Reilly) defeated NXT United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne & NXT North American Champion Ricochet
Great match for the time it had. Towards the finish, Dunne took out everyone on the outside and Ricochet tried a dive but took out Dunne. O’Reilly threw Dunne in the ring to allow Cole to hit the Last Shot for the pin.
Undisputed Era tried to continue the beating, but War Raiders made the save to clear the ring.

– Kassius Ohno defeated Kona Reeves
They had a back-and-forth match before Ohno put Reeves down with an elbow.
Ohno then said that when he arrived he had so much buzz and then it went away. He said there’s always someone newer and fresher — and that the next guy will have to go through him.
– The Forgotten Sons (Wesley Blake & Steve Cutler) w/ Jaxson Ryker defeated The Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins)
The Mighty ran in with ski masks on to try and steal The Street Profits’ party cup from ringside. The distraction allowed The Forgotten Sons to steal the win.
– NXT Women’s Champion Kairi Sane defeated Trish Adora
Sane had a treasure chest filled with gold coins and the championship on the top of the stage to celebrate becoming champion. She hit her diving elbow drop for the win before Shayna Baszler made her way to the ring. Baszler said she would invoke her rematch clause soon.
They had a scuffle with Sane coming out on top as Baszler backed off.

– Velveteen Dream defeated Johnny Gargano
This match had plenty of time with a slow build before the crowd erupted after a late near fall by Dream on Gargano. Gargano was uncertain of himself throughout as he looked towards a young fan, who was wearing a Johnny Wrestling shirt, for approval.

Gargano almost went for the DDT on the outside but looked towards the fan and changed his mind. This cost him, as Dream hit the rolling slam for the win. The crowd gave Gargano the business with “Johnny Failure” chants and the goodbye song as he left.
– Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch defeated Cezar Bononi & Adrian Jaoude
Lorcan was making his TV return after having been out of action with a broken orbital bone. He and Burch won with a double-team DDT.

– NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa did an in-ring promo, with him having new music and a spotlight entrance. Ciampa said he didn’t take out Aleister Black, but he would like to know who did. Before leaving, Ciampa tore up the sign that the young Gargano fan from earlier in the night was holding up.

– Shayna Baszler defeated Violet Rayne
Rayne was choked out fast. Baszler choked her out again after the match before referees could break it up.
– Lars Sullivan defeated Raul Mendoza
Sullivan won with the Freak Accident.
– Bianca Belair and Nikki Cross went to a no contest
Belair had Cross on her back on the ramp and went backwards, taking them both out. After the non-finish, they got up and brawled to the back of the production side and ended up on the commentary table.

– Lacey Evans & Aliyah defeated Dakota Kai & Deonna Purrazzo
Evans used her Woman’s Right punch for the victory.

– Jaxson Ryker defeated Humberto Carillo
Ryker hit a slingshot powerbomb off the ropes and into the ring for the finish. Ryker was formerly Gunner in TNA.

– NXT United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne and NXT North American Champion Ricochet went to a no contest in a winner take all title vs. title match
This was broken up by The Undisputed Era after 20-plus minutes of excellent action. The crowd was electric for the match. Dunne worked over the hand throughout, Ricochet hit multiple dives to the outside, and they exchanged strikes and slams.
War Raiders made the save after Undisputed Era broke it up. Lorcan and Burch also showed up to throw Undisputed Era back in the ring to get their beating from all involved.

After the cameras seemingly went off the air, Keith Lee showed up behind Cole to throw him back in the ring for everyone to hit their finishers and send the crowd home happy.

Credit: f4wonline.com

Note: As always, there is a possibility that segments air out of order or not at all. This is the order of taping and best approximations of how many weeks were taped.
Dark Match: Dominik Dijakovic def. Marcel Barthel
Week 1
– Johnny Gargano comes out on a crutch. He says he broke a promise and that if he won the title he could fix it. He doesn’t know where he goes from here. He lost the match and he lost himself. In Brooklyn, he became something he wasn’t proud of. He became Tomasso Ciampa. William Regal comes out and asks if Gargano was the one to attack Aleister Black. Gargano says to look in his eyes. Velveteen Dream comes out and is sick of hearing the “woe is Johnny” story. Dream says tonight should be about the Experience. Dream is sick of Johnny Failure. Gargano throws the crutch at Dream. Regal orders Johnny to go backstage and Dream to go to Regal’s office. They’ll have a match next week.
– Dakota Kai def. Aliyah
– A video is shown of Lars Sullivan standing over a laid out EC3

– Lars Sullivan vs. Raul Mendoza never starts. Before the match, Lars walks out, stating that unlike the Aleister Black situation, there’s no doubt of what he did to EC3. He says if you say his name like EC3 did, you’ll be torn limb from limb. Lars proceeds to beat Mendoza down before the bell can ring.

– Keith Lee def. Luke Menzies

– Adam Cole and Roderick Strong (w/Kyle O’Reilly) def. Ricochet and Pete Dunne.
Post match: Undisputed Era continue to attack Dunne and Ricochet until War Raiders come out to make the save.

Week 2
– Kassius Ohno def. Kona Reeves
Post match: Kassius Ohno says when he came to NXT there was a buzz and then there wasn’t. He said it made him sick. He says there’s always someone new and fresh. He’s waiting for the next new person and will knock them to the back of the line.

– Forgotten Sons: Wesley Blake and Steve Cutler (w/Jaxson Ryker) def. Street Profits. During the match, The Mighty came out and distracted Montez Ford so Ryker could interfere.

– Kairi Sane def. Trish Adora
Post match: Shayna Baszler comes out and knocks over a chest of doubloons that were part of Kairi’s entrance. Shayna says Kairi’s pirate fantasy will be over when Shayna enacts her rematch clause. The two brawl with Kairi running Baszler off.

– Velveteen Dream def. Johnny Gargano

Week 3
– Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch def. Adrian Jaoude and Cezar Bononi
– Tomasso Ciampa (now with theme music!) comes out. He says his music was personally selected to deliver a message to everyone and it’s “Shut Up”. He says everybody has been accusing him of attacking Aleister Black. When he wants to attack someone, he does it in front of an audience so the crowds can worship their master. He says he had all the intentions of attacking Black, but someone beat him to it. Ciampa says he would pat him or her on the back. Ciampa says the result would have been the same had Aleister been there. He gives one final message: if you want to be a champion, follow the lead of Tomasso Ciampa. Ciampa leaves, but not before ripping up a “Ciampa sucks” sign held up by a child.

– Shayna Baszler def. Violet Payne
Post match: Shayna chokes Payne out twice more before throwing Payne out of the ring.

– Lars Sullivan def. Raul Mendoza

– Nikki Cross and Bianca Belair fought to a double countout.
Post Match: The two brawled outside and to the announce table until Cross hit a dive on Belair and several refs.

Week 4
– Lacey Evans and Aliyah def. Dakota Kai and Deonna Purazzo
– Jaxson Ryker def. Humberto Carrillo
– Title for Title Match: Ricochet vs. Pete Dunne ends in a no contest after Undisputed Era attacks both men.

Post match: War Raiders come out and chase the Era to the back.

As Ricochet and Dunne get back up, the War Raiders return to the ring as Undisputed Era taunts the group from the ramp. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch throw the Era back in the ring to get beaten down. Adam Cole escapes, only to run into Keith Lee. Lee throws Cole back in the ring. The Raiders, Ricochet, Dunne, and Lee all attack Cole and celebrate in the ring.

(Just a guess, but I imagine the show will end after the Era and War Raiders brawl to the back.)

– As mentioned earlier, Tomasso Ciampa has new theme music and full entrance with Tron now.
– Bill Simmons (CEO of The Ringer, former ESPN personality, and Man behind the Andre the Giant documentary on HBO) was in attendance with family and friends.
– As part of her entrance, Kairi Sane now has a treasure chest hold the NXT Women’s Championship and doubloons. She grabs the doubloons and throws them to the crowd. In a funny moment, she accidentally threw the title instead.

Credit: pwinsider.com

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