
Kurt Angle On 205 Live Stars To Main Roster, His Worst Match Ever, Brock Lesnar

WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle recently took part in another Q&A on his official Facebook page. Featured below are some of the highlights.

On his worst match ever: “I never had a bad match…LOL. The one that I remember was the Lumberjack Match with Eddie Guerrero [on an episode of SmackDown]. Eddie wasn’t feeling well that night. The match dragged on and on. Eddie kept telling me something was wrong. He kept telling me to put him in a hold so he could get his mind and body straight. It was not the Eddie that we all knew, ‘the greatest of all-time.’ He was physically and emotionally exhausted that night. It was a failure on my part because I kept pushing him to go harder, I should have listened to him. Eddie was more to me than a fellow wrestler, he was my brother. It was a bad night for him. And a bad night for me.”

On Brock Lesnar’s botched Shooting Star Press at WrestleMania and if anything was said between them after it happened in the ring: “Well, it was my idea to do the shooting star…Brock misjudged the flip and landed on his head. It was a scary moment. But nothing was said between us about it. The match spoke for itself regardless of the failed flip. If anything, it became one of the most popular WrestleMania moments.”

On if he feels 205 Live Superstars should be intergrated into RAW and SmackDown Live more often: “Yes. I think we should highlight each one for a month. So, every month have a different 205 [Live] Superstar wrestle the top heavyweights on Raw and SmackDown. See which one the fans really get behind and push that wrestler into Superstar mode. Then you have the next Rey Mysterio. It’s worth a shot, you never know. Just an idea.”

Check out the complete Q&A with Kurt Angle at Facebook.com/RealKurtAngle.

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