
NXT Recap (5/8): Riddle Battles Cole In The Main Event, Yim Faces Belair, Mendoza In Action

Tonight’s episode of NXT takes place at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida.

Video package highlighting this week’s NXT main event: Matt Riddle versus Adam Cole.

Intro song.

Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to another edition of NXT television. They run down the evening’s card, including the Riddle/Cole headliner.

Mia Yim makes her way out for the opening contest. The EST, Bianca Belair, is her opponent and out second.

Mia Yim versus Bianca Belair

Tie-up. Yim with a headlock takedown. Belair breaks it with a headscissor before taking Yim down with a headscissor of her own. Fun sequence that sees Yim and Belair repeat spots, including both executing a dropkick. Yim fires off another one knocking Belair to the mat. Running single-leg takedown from Yim, followed by a basement dropkick. Yim with a flurry of strikes…she misses a cannonball in the corner. Belair takes advantage by smashing Yim’s head off the side of the apron, then into the turnbuckle. She stomps Yim in the corner. Early cover…two count. Neck crank applied by Belair…she bounces off the ropes…standing splash. Another cover…Yim kicks out again. Belair in control in the early goings.

Belair nails Yim with a clubbing forearm. She drops Yim off the turnbuckle with an alley-oop-bomb. Belair with some trash talk. She plays to the crowd…Yim with a roll-up! Belair kicks out. Jumping guillotine from Yim! Belair breaks it by turning the hold into a snap-suplex. Running shoulder block by Belair…she goes for another standing splash but Yim gets the knees up this time. Combo by Yim ends with a shotgun dropkick. Running cannonball connects this time. Yim ties Belair up in the ropes…tarantula submission! Yim with a sunset flip…Belair reverses it and uses her hair on the ropes as leverage! Got her!

Bianca Belair wins by pinfall

Commentary shoots us over to some shocking footage of the Forgotten Sons attacking the tag team champion Viking Raiders. They beat Erik and Ivar down. Ranallo tells us that the Raiders will address their NXT future next week.

Preview for Money in the Bank.

Back from break…footage of Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke sparring at the PC with Shayna Baszler watching is played. Io Shirai comes out of nowhere and attacks Baszler! Several wrestlers, including General Manager William Regal run into the ring to break the brawl up.

Raul Mendoza makes his way for our second bout of the evening. He battles Riddick Moss.

Raul Mendoza versus Riddick Moss

Mendoza gains the early advantage by utilizing his speed and taking the big man down with an arm-drag. Moss recovers in the corner…quick strikes from Mendoza. He avoids a charing Moss, then hits a springboard frankensteiner! Running shooting star press! Cover but Moss escapes with ease. Mendoza with another sprinboard maneuver…Moss catches him this time! Fallaway slam! Mendoza drifts to the corner…running shoulder thrust by Moss. Gorilla press spinebuster nearly wins it for the big man. Moss takes a drink from his water bottle and tries to pour some down Mendoza’s throat. Mendoza fires back with an enziguri and a flying headscissor that sends Moss into the corner. Running knee. Mendoza climbs…Moss jumps to meet him but eats an enziguri. Springboard twisting splash! Mendoza gets a win!

Raul Mendoza wins by pinfall

Main event is next! Commercial for WWE shop.

Recap of KUSHIDA’s debut from last week, when he defeated Kassius Ohno via submission. He’ll be in action again on next week’s episode.

Matt Riddle makes his way out first. Adam Cole is second. The rest of the Undisputed Era is nowhere to be seen.

Matt Riddle versus Adam Cole

Riddle with an early waistlock takedown. He goes for the Bromission early but Cole quickly rolls to the outside. Cole took his time getting back into the ring as the crowd chanted “bro!”. Riddle hits Cole with three Gutwrench Suplexes in a row. Cole responds with a Sleeper Hold to slow the Bro down. Cole with some trash-talk. Riddle doesn’t like it…he breaks the hold and unloads a flurry of strikes but gets caught with an Enziguri from Cole. Riddle shrugged it off and planted Cole with a German Suplex. Riddle with an gorilla press…Cole counters into a backstabber. Cover…Riddle kicks out. Cole stomped on Riddle’s foot and goes for a superkick…Riddle turns it into an ankle lock. Cole in the middle of the ring and in trouble…he gets to the ropes.

Riddle with a Fisherman’s Suplex. He goes for another…Cole blocks it and turns it into his signature suplex knee-drop. Cole goes for the last shot…he hits it! Cover…Riddle with a shoulder up! Cole can’t believe it…he goes for the last shot again… Riddle catches him with a GTS. Powerbomb from Riddle…Cole rolls out to ringside. Roderick Strong runs down to the ring to help Cole…Riddle nails him with a PK. Cole takes advantage..superkick! Cover…Riddle kicks out and applies the Bromission…Cole taps!

Matt Riddle wins by submission

Roderick Strong is livid on the outside. The rest of the Undisputed Era run in to attack but Riddle manages to escape. Cole is left looking perplexed after suffering another big loss. Strong tries to help Cole up but he angrily shoves him away. Strong and Cole get into an argument that requires Fish and O’Reilly to separate them. Things never get physical…but Undisputed Era leaves the rings separately.

That’s the show friends.

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