Who will check Facebook's 'fact checkers?'

    In response to recent concerns about “fake news” and opinion-swaying hoaxes, Facebook has unveiled new measures to address the issue. But unless done right, these steps may create more problems than they solve — and boost claims that the “fake news crisis” is an attempt to impose political controls on the media. One Facebook measure…

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      Rising Seas, Sinking Coasts Spell Doom for Eastern US

      The devastating impact of global warming induced sea level rise has become increasingly clear as powerful surges, coastal flooding and rapid erosion are more and more frequently wreaking havoc along the eastern seaboard of the United States. A new report published Tuesday by the New York Times explains that, as the waters continue to rise,…

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        The Growing Movement Putting Sustainability and Community Back in the Forefront

        In the midst of climate change, “big box” stores, frequent lack of community connections, and ubiquitous fast and processed food, a flourishing movement stands in stark contrast. Reporting by Agence France-Presse puts a spotlight on this global movement—the Slow City movement, or “Cittaslow”—which hopes to provide an “antidote against negative globalization.” “Cittaslow is about appreciating…

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          US Has Become 'Planet's Dirty-Energy Dealer'

          While the Obama administration continues to boast reductions in U.S. carbon emissions through the incorporation of renewable energy resources such as wind and solar, the darker side of America’s changing role as a “dirty energy dealer” and one of the world’s top carbon pollution exporters is seldom told. As journalist Tim Dickinson explores in a…

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            US Blesses Egyptian Repression with Apache Attack Helicopters

            Orchestrated overthrow of democratically-elected government: check. Repression, arrest, and death sentences for political opponents: check. Mass crackdown on journalists and critical media: check. Shipment of U.S.-made Apache attack helicopters to government behind said actions: They’re on their way. According to Reuters: Late last month, Human Rights Watch counted itself among those urging against the resumption…

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