
Dem group targets House GOP’s revised health bill

Democratic super PAC American Bridge’s nonprofit arm launched an ad campaign Tuesday targeting 17 House Republicans over the House GOP’s latest push to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

The digital ad, provided first to The Hill, argues that millions of people could lose coverage under the GOP proposal and says it will drive up costs for families, seniors and those living in rural areas. The minutelong spot also notes that the healthcare bill would make major cuts to Medicaid spending.

The ad targets members in swing districts, as well as members of the moderate Tuesday Group. On the list are GOP Reps. David Valadao (Calif.), Steve Knight (Calif.), Carlos Curbelo (Fla.), Claudia Tenney (N.Y.), Pat Meehan (Pa.), Leonard Lance (N.J.) and Will Hurd (Texas).


The spot also takes aim at House members who are considered top Senate contenders such as Reps. Todd Rokita (R-Ind.), Luke Messer (R-Ind.), Ann Wagner (R-Mo.), and Pat Tiberi (R-Ohio).

It also targets Rep. Tom MacArthur​ (R-N.J.), who authored the amendment that would allow states to opt out of an ObamaCare rule called community rating, which charges the same rate to people of a particular geographic area.

If repealed, insurers could charge those with pre-existing conditions higher premiums, opponents warn.

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But supporters of the amendment say states would need to establish high-risk pools to subsidize coverage for those individuals, and those who don’t have a lapse in coverage wouldn’t get charged higher premiums.

“Everything [President] Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE said about Trumpcare was a lie,” said American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah in a statement.

“As Trump tries to force this bill on the country, Americans deserve the truth about the consequences of this reckless bill: higher costs, loss of coverage, and huge cuts to Medicaid.”

A vote for the updated bill hasn’t been scheduled, though some White House aides floated the possibility of a vote this week.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer, however, told reporters Monday that Congress is not ready to go ahead with a vote, but he expressed confidence that the votes are headed in the right direction.

The initial push to repeal and replace ObamaCare in March didn’t win over enough support from conservatives and moderates, and the bill was ultimately pulled right before the vote.

The revised bill has largely been backed by the conservative House Freedom Caucus due to MacArthur’s amendment, but many moderate lawmakers remain on the fence.

According to The Hill’s whip list, 21 House Republicans are a no, meaning the party can only afford one more defection.

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