Poll: Cordray leads DeWine by 6 points in Ohio governor race

    Democrat Richard CordrayRichard Adams CordrayPoll: Biden, Trump neck and neck in Ohio On The Money: Trump officials struggle to get relief loans out the door | Dow soars more than 1600 points | Kudlow says officials ‘looking at’ offering coronavirus bonds Ex-CFPB director urges agency to ‘act immediately’ to help consumers during pandemic MORE leads…

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      Reflecting Democratic Party's Past, Clinton's 'Deluded and Dangerous' Remarks on Migration in Europe Spark Outrage

      The rise of xenophobic, right-wing extremists intent on stoking bigotry and prejudice against foreigners in Europe and elsewhere has startled observers around the world—but former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton angered critics Thursday when she revealed her belief that the onus lies with European leaders to curb migration in order to appease those same extremists,…

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        As Paul Ryan Says Goodbye, Progressives Say 'Good Riddance' to 'Coward Who Sold Our Economy to Highest Bidders'

        As House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) delivered his farewell address on Wednesday after 20 years of relentlessly working to gut social programs for the poor and successfully ramming through “one of the biggest transfers of wealth to the richest one percent in U.S. history,” progressives made sure to let the outgoing congressman know what they…

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          In Another Blow to Keystone XL, Judge Rules TransCanada Can't Conduct Pre-Construction Work

          Opponents of TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline—from indigenous and environmental groups to local farmers and ranchers—celebrated a win in court after a federal judge ruled on Friday that the fossil fuel giant cannot conduct pre-construction work on the pipeline until the full environmental review ordered last month is complete. “Somehow TransCanada still hasn’t gotten the message…

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            'He's Actually a Good Guy': CBP Commissioner's Wife Confronts Activists Projecting Images of Immigrants Killed in US Custody

            Following the “horrific” death last week of Jakelin Caal, the 7-year-old refugee from Guatemala who died while detained by the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol in Texas, human rights activist on Thursday night were confronted outside the home of CBP’s Commissioner Kevin McAleenan in Virginia as they projected pictures onto the house of Caal and…

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              Poll: Feinstein holds 18-point lead over challenger

              Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) holds an 18-point lead over her progressive challenger, California state Sen. Kevin de León (D), ahead of November’s midterms, according to a new poll. Feinstein has the support of 41 percent of likely voters to de León’s 23 percent, according to an Emerson College poll released Monday. The poll, which has a margin of error of…

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                O'Rourke scrambles to win over Latino voters in Texas

                SAN ANTONIO — Rep. Beto O’RourkeBeto O’RourkeBiden will help close out Texas Democrats’ virtual convention: report O’Rourke on Texas reopening: ‘Dangerous, dumb and weak’ Parties gear up for battle over Texas state House MORE’s chances of unseating Sen. Ted CruzRafael (Ted) Edward CruzSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote The Hill’s Morning Report –…

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                  State elections reveal a deeply divided America

                  America is more polarized than ever. Just look at the states. The number of state legislatures where both Democrats and Republicans control one chamber is at an all-time low, after a deeply polarizing election made red states redder and blue states bluer. Only one state — Minnesota — has a bicameral legislature in which Democrats and Republicans…

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