Kamala Harris will no longer accept corporate PAC money

    Sen. Kamala HarrisKamala Devi HarrisRand Paul introduces bill to end no-knock warrants The Hill’s Campaign Report: Biden campaign goes on offensive against Facebook McEnany says Juneteenth is a very ‘meaningful’ day to Trump MORE (D-Calif.) said Monday she will no longer accept donations from corporate PACs, the latest in a string of progressive Democrats who…

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      Blankenship hits back at Trump: He backed a candidate 'accused of pedophilia'

      Controversial West Virginia Republican Senate candidate Don Blankenship brushed aside President TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE’s call to vote against him by noting that Trump…

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        Dem Andrew Janz advances in bid to unseat Nunes

        Former county prosecutor Andrew Janz (D) is projected to win the second slot in California’s 22nd Congressional District primary, setting the stage for a high-profile clash with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin NunesDevin Gerald NunesSunday shows preview: Protests against George Floyd’s death, police brutality rock the nation for a second week Sunday shows preview: Leaders weigh…

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          Despite Major Public Opposition, EU Reportedly Set to Approve Bayer-Monsanto #MergerFromHell

          Despite widespread opposition among the residents of Europe, the European Union is set to grant anti-trust approval of a $62.5 billion merger between German chemical giant Bayer and the U.S-based Monsanto, according to reports on Wednesday. “The European Commission should stop this merger from hell.”—Joerg Rohwedder, WeMove.eu Reuters reported that sources familiar with the review expect…

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            Emotional Student Victims Lash Out at 'Piece of Shit' Trump in Wake of Latest School Massacre

            Students who survived Wednesday’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida unequivocally rejected the “prayers and condolences” offered by President Donald Trump—calling on him to enact strict gun control laws instead. “We’re children. You guys are the adults.” —David Hogg, student One student, identified as Sarah on her Twitter account, angrily called…

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              Tillerson Out and Pompeo In: 'From Exxon's CEO to the Koch Brothers' Most Loyal Lapdog'

              While applauding the end of former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson’s tenure as Secretary of State, green groups and government watchdogs on Tuesday denounced President Donald Trump’s pick to replace him—current CIA Director Mike Pompeo. “Donald Trump has now somehow picked someone even worse than Rex Tillerson to run the State Department,” said Greenpeace USA Climate…

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                Not 50 Million, Not 87 Million… Facebook Admits Data From 'Most' of Its 2 Billion Users Compromised by 'Malicious Actors'

                Buried in Facebook’s announcement that Cambridge Analytica had improperly gathered data from up to 87 million users—rather than the previously reported 50 million—was the stunning admission that “malicious actors” exploited the social networking site’s search features to collect information from “most” of its two billion users. The detail was pointed out on Twitter by Wired…

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                  With Trump Set to Spark 'War-Risking Crisis' By Killing Iran Deal, Poll Shows 63% in US Support Nuclear Accord

                  With President Donald Trump expected to deliver a huge gift to his administration’s “parade of warmongers, cretins, and outright liars” Tuesday afternoon by withdrawing the U.S. from the Iran nuclear deal, a new CNN poll shows support for the agreement is continuing to rise, with an all-time high 63 percent of Americans saying Trump should…

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