
Emma Speaks On Using Social Media To Try To Stand Out In WWE

Australian native Emma is fighting on a weekly basis to stand out as a Raw brand Superstar and she recently spoke with NewsHub on how she’s trying to make a name for herself in a crowded WWE women’s division.
Here’s highlights of the interview:
On standing out and using social media:

There are so many talented females on our roster, so yes, it can be hard to stand out, but in saying that I have one of the biggest social media following on the entire WWE roster. It has really worked for me recently because of my fans, the comments I had been getting from them made me react to it and you can see it’s really paid off in the last few weeks. It’s about time too, the whole ‘#GiveEmmaAChance’ thing is real. I mean when do I get my chance at the championship, I have never had that and it just goes to show how social media can help.
On goals she’s still looking to achieve:
The roller coaster that is the wrestling world – the injuries, the matches that I will never forget, all of that is just part of the journey to where I become women’s champion and wrestle at WrestleMania. At that point, I can look back and just be so thankful and satisfied with everything I have done to get to that moment.
Here’s a link to the full interview:


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