
WWE 205 Live Results (07/03): Mustafa Ali vs. Buddy Murphy

Tonight’s episode of 205 Live opens up with a video package recapping how we got to tonight’s No DQ Main Event Matchup between Mustafa Ali and Buddy Murphy.
General Manager Drake Maverick reveals that next week’s show will feature a Cruiserweight Title Match between Cedric Alexander and Hideo Itami. He then runs down tonight’s card and hypes up The No DQ Match between Mustafa Ali and Buddy Murphy and says that tonight’s match is a rubber match to settle their rivalry. Maverick then reveals that TJP will get the respect he’s been asking for when he faces an opponent of his choosing.
Vic Joseph, Percy Watson & Nigel McGuinness welcome us to tonight’s show as we get to our first match.

TJP heads out to the ring with a mic and says that Drake Maverick has chosen an opponent for him tonight and plans on giving him what he wants tonight. TJP then notes that he’s not in the main event or wrestling for the title and he’s currently in the middle of nowhere. He trashes Nebraska a bit before finding out that Noam Dar is his chosen opponent. Noam Dar makes his way down to the ring. This will be Dar’s first match since December as he has been out with a knee injury.
Noam Dar vs. TJP: TJP tries for an early strike, but doesn’t have much luck. Dar is able to stun and drop TJP, and land a big jumping knee strike to the jaw. Dar goes for the cover and gets the win in a quick match. Winner: Noam Dar
After the match, we head backstage and we see that Drake Maverick is clapping and smiling at Noam Dar’s victory.
We then get a video package recapping Mustafa Ali and Buddy Murphy’s feud starting from 4 months ago when Buddy Murphy and Mustafa Ali battled with Ali picking up the victory. We then fast forward to two months ago when Murphy was able to pick up win against Ali. Buddy Murphy is shown getting his pump on in the locker room. He starts by saying that he is the Juggernaut and if it wasn’t for Ali he’d already be the champion. He also says that with no rules in tonight’s match, he plans on putting Ali in the hospital. He then says that there is no one like him in the division, which is why after he takes out Mustafa Ali tonight, it doesn’t matter if it’s Cedric or Hideo, he’s taking the belt.

We then head to another area backstage with TJP as he looks pretty mad about what just happened. Dasha Fuentes tries to get a word from him, but he just walks past her and heads right out of the building.
Akira Tozawa vs. Jason Strife: Before the match can get going, Lio Rush makes his way down to the ring to observe and perhaps take notes on Akira Tozawa. Tozawa with a stiff jab followed by stomps in the corner and finishes the flurry of moves with a senton splash. He takes a look over at Rush as Strife gets in some offense. Strife with a couple of strikes, then goes for a second rope moonsault, but nobody home. Tozawa nails Strife with a shining wizard followed by some spinning kicks, then he heads to the top rope and hits him with a senton splash (as he looks over at Rush before hitting it). Tozawa goes for the cover and gets the win. Winner: Akira Tozawa
After the match, Rush grabs a mic and stands on the announce table. He starts by saying that he is a fan, and can see why Tozawa is a former champ. But he wonders if he’s not resting on his laurels, and just sitting around waiting for opportunities. Rush then says that Tozawa should be ashamed and that he is different and that he doesn’t wait for anything. Rush then says that maybe when Tozawa is done waiting around, he’ll step into the ring with the 23 year old piece of gold and feel the rush.

We head backstage to the locker room area where Mustafa Ali is warming up for the main event. Ali says that Buddy Murphy is indeed a bad dude and has the size/strength to throw anyone around. Ali also says that tonight there are no rules and that makes Murphy even more dangerous, but that’s okay, because he runs towards danger, not away from it. Ali then says that tonight the rules will get broken and it’s the night that he shows the Juggernaut is just a man.
We then head to another area backstage where WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander says that Hideo Itami is walking around using what he’s done in the past for opportunities now. Alexander then says that he plans on adding Itami’s name to his own legacy when they meet next week.
Mustafa Ali vs. Buddy Murphy (No DQ Match): Murphy gets on the apron and is immediately knocked off. Ali is up top and flips down to the floor on Murphy. Ali tosses Murphy in the ring and we get an official start to the match. Murphy tries to bail out to the floor. Ali chases and gets tossed on the announce table. Ali with a bunch of chops on Murphy as commentary scrambles. Murphy gets sent out to the crowd. Ali is on the barricade and hits a nice crossbody. Murphy recovers and lands a kick to the back. Both make their way to ringside now. Ali is up on the barricade. Murphy stops and tosses Ali to the metal ramp, then hits a suplex on the ramp. Both make their way into the ring now. Murphy tries to slow things down and kicks Ali to the back as the crowd claps for Ali. Murphy whips Ali into the corner and says, “I can do this all day. All day!” Murphy is focusing on Ali’s back now with a number of strikes, then tries for a cover, but only gets a two count. Murphy charges in the corner and ends up hitting the top of the ring post. Ali with a pop-up drop kick. On the apron, Ali tries for his rolling facebuster, but doesn’t hit it. Murphy to the apron now. Ali ends up hitting it there instead, then goes for a cover, but only gets a two count. Both are out on the floor now. Murphy drops Ali as he looks around under the ring before taking part of the ring step and slides it to the edge of the ring. Murphy tries to throw Ali onto them, but doesn’t get it. Murphy’s face feels the announce table. Ali clears off the top of the table, but Murphy is in the ring and hits a baseball slide onto the steps, which then smacks Ali. Murphy then leaps off the steps and hits a huge flip on Ali. 
Back in the ring, Murphy sets the stairs up in the corner and launches Ali into them not once, but twice, then goes for the cover, but only gets the two count. He tries for a third time, but Ali reverses it, then Murphy blocks it. Ali hits a hurricanrana that sends Murphy into the steps. Ali climbs to the top and looks for 054. Murphy grabs him on his hair, tucks his head, kicks him to the face, then double powerbombs him, then goes for a cover, but only gets a two count. The crowd wants tables now. Murphy puts Ali down on the steps. Murphy heads to the top, but Ali crotches him and shoves the steps into him a couple of times. Ali ends up climbing up on the stairs (they are standing vertical) and he hits a superplex off them. The two wrestlers end up on the floor now. Ali gets put on the announce table. Murphy gets on the barricade and Ali tries to stop him, but gets shoved towards the ring, Ali charges and jumps on the table and hits a spanish fly from the barricade to the table, which doesn’t break. Back in the ring, Murphy dropkicks Ali into the bottom rope and he gets tied up in them. Murphy hits huge running knees not once, but four times, then goes for a cover, but only gets a two count, Murphy can’t believe it and he’s looking at the referee for confirmation. Murphy tries to drop the steps on Ali, but Ali rolls out of the way and lands a kick to Murphy’s face. Both are up on the steps and Ali hits a pop-up Tornado DDT to Murphy from the steps down to the mat an goes for a cover and gets the win. Winner: Mustafa Ali
After the match, Mustafa Ali celebrates as his music plays. 205 Live goes off the air.

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