
WWE Sioux Falls, SD, live results: Reigns vs. Sheamus, AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens

Submitted by James Girouard from the Denny Sanford Premier Center

– Dolph Ziggler b. Baron Corbin with a superkick and zig zag

Surprisingly good match. From a mechanical perspective, Corbin is much improved from where he was even a year ago.

– Titus O’Neil b. Fandango with a powerbomb

Fandango attacked Titus before the bell. Match itself probably went about a minute. Not much to it.

– WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte b. Natayla with a rollup after putting her feet on the ropes

Other than one or two mistimed spots early, the work was very good. However, the ring announcer (Eden Stiles) did ask the crowd before the match if they “wanted to see some beautiful women in the ring” so apparently old stereotypes die hard.

– Sami Zayn b. Stardust with the Blue Thunder bomb

Stardust stalled for most of the match and got quite a bit of heat. Zayn had a loyal, vocal minority really into him but Stardust was more over as a heel than Zayn was as a face. Match was fine, nothing special.

– AJ Styles b. Kevin Owens with the Phenomenal Forearm

Very good match, best of the night. Owens got a lot of heel heat early but was so great that as the match wore on he was getting as many cheers as boos. AJ’s in-ring timing is even more amazing live than it is on TV.

– Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows b. Darren Young & Mark Henry with the Magic Killer

Not much to the match, although it was weird to see Mark Henry as the babyface in peril. For not having been on TV very long Anderson & Gallows did get a decent reaction.

– Big Cass b. Primo with his East River Crossing sidewalk slam

Primo jumped Cass as he was cutting a promo before the match, but Cass ended up wiping him out quickly. Crowd was really into the singalong.

– IC Champion Miz (w/Maryse) b. Cesaro after throwing him into an exposed turnbuckle

Miz got tremendous heel heat from the second he walked out from the curtain until the match was over. Match was all sorts of overbooked with run-ins and interference from Maryse. 

– WWE Champion Roman Reigns b. Sheamus with the spear

Hard hitting but the two have had much better matches. Both men were heavily booed at the start, but as the match wore on the reactions to Roman were probably 50-50. It is interesting because the last time Reigns was in Sioux Falls against Bray Wyatt he was pretty much universally cheered.

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All in all, one of the better house shows I’ve seen from WWE since they started coming back to Sioux Falls regularly about 15 years ago.  None of the matches were bad and the stuff that wasn’t as good was kept short.  A lively crowd that was into the talent helped.

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