
UAE: Bank transferred my money at an exaggerated exchange rate in Chinese currency


I have an issue with an online transfer done using Emirates NBD. I have tried my best to resolve the problem myself with Emirates NBD by going to the branch and by emails for more than three months, but all in vain. Moreover, they have not given me any proper explanation for their mistake so far.


– Mr Chundangapoyil###

I have transferred two online transfers to a trading company in the UK; one at 7.58am for USD800 and the second one at 9.55am for USD4,200 on June 26, 2018. The bank has transferred the first transfer correctly for USD800 only as instructed and the second one for USD4,200, they made a mistake and transferred the funds in Chinese currency at an exaggerated exchange rate unlike my instruction online for transferring the funds in US dollars to the same company. I am pretty sure that my instruction online was to transfer the funds in US dollars and not in Chinese currency.


I have been sending several emails to Emirates NBD, but have not been successful as yet and the branch is trying to excuse the mistake with some unreliable statements. I would appreciate your intervention in the matter.


From Mr Puthiyapourayil Wadood Chundangapoyil




The management of Emirates NBD responds: We are pleased to inform you that our Group Customer Experience team contacted Mr Puthiyapourayil Wadood Chundangapoyil and provided him with the necessary clarification.


We wish to clarify that the transaction made by Mr Chundangapoyil was a Point of Sale (POS) transaction not a fund transfer. Therefore, we have informed Mr Chundangapoyil to refer to the merchant where he has made the transaction and check with them about the claimed currency.


We would like to reiterate our commitment to providing superior service to our customers and thank you for your continuous support in providing us with the opportunity to resolve their issues.


Mr Chundangapoyil responds: The bank representative called me and he has been insisting it has not been online transfer but has been a purchase to which I have explained to him it is not a purchase from a trader, but online transfer by logging into the bank’s website. Now, another agent has called me from the bank requesting to fill up a dispute form and send them to him along with the copy of the Trader’s Statement and Emirates NBD. Unfortunately, Emirates NBD Statement is not printing but I will inform them the date on which statement was made. In fact, they need to compensate the loss incurred by me.


Emirates NBD responds: Further to receiving Mr Chundangapoyil’s latest feedback, we would like to clarify that as per the account statement, the transaction made was a Point of Sale and not a fund transfer made through the Emirates NBD website.


Our Group Customer Experience team has been in touch with Mr Chundangapoyil and provided him with the necessary clarifications. However, Mr Chundangapoyil disputed the transaction and claimed that he did not perform it as a POS since he did not share his debit card details with the merchant. In addition, he is disputing the claimed currency. The team provided the customer with a dispute request form and guided him on how to complete and submit it. We would like to clarify that as per the Bank’s policy, the dispute request may take up to 90-120 days.


We would like to reiterate our commitment to providing superior service to our customers and thank you for your continuous support in providing us with the opportunity to resolve their issues.


(Process initiation: December 18, 2018. Response from organisation: December 24, 2018. Process completion: January 12, 2019.)


Editor’s note: Do you have similar issues that you would like to raise with us? You can write to us at readers@gulfnews.com.


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