
Timeline for conversion of PIO to OCI cards extended



The Government of India had earlier advised that the conversion of all Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) cards to Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) cards had to be done by September 30, 2019. However, the Bureau of Immigration (BoI) will now accept PIO cards as valid travel documents till March 31, 2020 along with valid foreign passports and the Indian Immigration Check Post(s) will continue to consider all PIO cards valid for exit/entry into India till March 31, 2020.


The extension is subject to the condition that if in the meantime any deadline is notified by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) thereby making hand written PIO cards invalid, then PIO cardholders may have to obtain an appropriate visa from the Indian missions/posts. All PIO cardholders with valid PIO cards as on January 9, 2015 are requested to apply for conversion of PIO card to OCI card as per guidelines at the earliest, according to a press statement issued by the Consulate General of India in Dubai on Sunday

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