How Europe can save the Amazon

    French President Emmanuel Macron dropped a bombshell recently: His office said France is opposed to the ratification of the European Union’s (EU) latest big trade deal, with the Mercosur group of South American countries, because one of the group’s members, Brazil, has shown a lack of commitment to preserving the Amazon rainforest. ### The deal,…

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      No final decision yet on complete closure of Pakistani airspace to India, says Foreign Minister Qureshi

      Dubai: No final decision has been taken yet on the complete closure of Pakistani airspace to India, said Pakistan’s Foreign Minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi. ### He said the matter would be decided after consultation, according to Pakistani news channel Dunya Tv. ### Earlier on Wednesday, the Pakistan’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) closed three aviation routes in the…

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        Holiday for UAE banking sector declared

        Abu Dhabi / Dubai: The UAE’s banking sector will have a holiday on the occasion of Hijri New Year (Islamic New Year) on the first day of the Islamic month of Muharram, it was announced on Wednesday, August 28. ### Earlier, the Federal Authority for Human Resources (FAHR) and the Ministry of Human Resources and…

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          Il Rifugio Pradidali è aperto!

          Il Rifugio Pradidali, sulle Pale di San Martino, non è chiuso per ristrutturazione ma è regolarmente aperto. Ce lo comunica la Guida Alpina Duilio Boninsegna che dal 1995 gestisce lo storico Rifugio di proprietà del CAI di Treviso. Il Rifugio Pradidali, sulle Pale di San Martino, non è chiuso per ristrutturazione ma è regolarmente aperto!…

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