Artificial intelligence can save your life

    Artificial intelligence is by turns terrifying, overhyped, hard to understand and just plain awesome. ### For an example of the last, researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, were able this year to hook people up to brain monitors and generate natural-sounding synthetic speech out of mere brain activity. The goal is to give…

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      Healthy living can’t prevent cancer

      Recent news that random bad luck plays a big role in cancer has been misinterpreted as bad news, when it’s actually very useful in helping humanity understand what cancer is and what can be done to prevent it. ### New experiments attempt to quantify findings from 2015 and 2017 that showed random “bad luck” was…

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        Skin-bleaching creams prompt health warning in Philippines

        Manila: Skin-whitening products containing toxic chemicals not only place the lives of users at risk, but damage the environment as well, a Philippine non-governmental organisation has warned. ### According to the non-profit, EcoWaste Coalition, traders in certain cities in Southern Philippines’ Mindanao continue to sell certain skin-lightening brands containing harmful amounts of mercury despite a…

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          Strike cloud looms for London rail users

          London: It’s often referred to as the “lifeline” of London and quite rightly so. The London Underground rail network — or the “Tube”, in popular parlance – is faced with the threat of a strike next month by 40,000 workers of the Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) network of the city. This could bring the…

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