What’s Your Problem With Tim Tebow?

    Tim Tebow got signed by the Mets and will report to the low minor leagues. Good for him. The end. If only it ever were that easy with Tebow. Tebow has been a polarizing, fascinating figure since his days winning a Heisman Trophy and two national championships as quarterback at the University of Florida. Gator…

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      Obama Just Relaxed Federal Regulations On Weed… Sort Of

      Last week, the news came down from on high: President Obama was about to do something big on marijuana. Pot, as you may recall from an annoying rant in a nondescript dorm room while someone—we’re not saying you—was using the stuff, is officially a Schedule I controlled substance. Marijuana advocates were hoping that was about to change, but…

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        How The Hit Series “Lady Dynamite” Ignited A New Conversation About Bipolar Disorder And OCD

        When comedian Maria Bamford’s new sitcom Lady Dynamite hit Netflix this summer, it was immediately hailed as one of the smartest, most subversive shows of the year by The New Yorker, the New York Times, and Rolling Stone. The time-hopping, fourth-wall shattering, occasionally surreal sitcom is every bit as silly, fragile, frenetic, and charming as the star at the center of…

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          How Hillary Clinton Made Me Cry—Twice 

          Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party’s official, indisputable nominee for the 2016 Presidential race. Let’s say it another way: Hillary Clinton is the first woman in the history of the United States of America to secure a major political party’s presidential nomination. Hillary Clinton is running for president.  And right now I can’t stop thinking…

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             “Ghostbusters” Actress Leslie Jones Returns To Twitter After Internet Trolls Launch Attack

            On Tuesday afternoon, “Ghostbusters” actress Leslie Jones left Twitter following a monstrous onslaught of racist, sexist and generally demeaning attacks from users, seemingly prompted by conservative journalist Milo Yiannopoulos. Though the film and its all-female cast have been under fire for months since the announcement and subsequent trailer of the remake, Jones quickly became a scapegoat…

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